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What are you doing during isolation?... Need ideas!!

19 replies

OgwdihwO · 13/11/2020 17:35

I have 11 days left and I’m going to go mad! I’m very much an outdoors person... running, mountain biking, hill walking etc.

I need inspiration! What have you got up to?

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Zize55 · 15/11/2020 17:26

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GreatSoprendo · 14/11/2020 19:39

[quote MummaPI]@GreatSoprendo my DH doing the same. We've played with him lots, online pictionary. Plus given him half of guess who and battleships to play over video calls with the kids.
Christmas card writing?
He also has a small amount of time in the garden every day.
Hope you're doing well. Cake[/quote]
These are great ideas, thank you! We downloaded a great game called Space Crew today that you can play on 2 iPads or phones (although the shouting through the door isn’t ideal for a sore throat). We’ve also played Among Us together. Just sent DS to dig out Guess Who Grin

RhubarbTea · 14/11/2020 14:38

I'd second online study, the OU is great Smile

Youtube - yoga with Adriene is good.
Learn to knit and knit something for the colder months like a simple scarf or hat, or fingerless gloves.
Read books! Audible is nice to have on while washing up, doing housework and you can usually get the first book free.
DIY like painting, repairing small niggly jobs.
Join an online choir session via Zoom.
Learn a language on Duolingo.

Figmentofmyimagination · 14/11/2020 14:01

Have you looked at some of the futurelearm courses? Good for 6th formers too.

OgwdihwO · 14/11/2020 09:20

That sounds great @chatteringfool

OP posts:
chatteringfool · 14/11/2020 09:15

Look on Open University website, there are tons of free courses, I have been working my way through them all year, currently studying world war 2 and Hitler

KitKatastrophe · 14/11/2020 09:11

Learn a new skill? Take up a craft activity or learn yoga through TV classes. Start learning a language.
Or just reading :)

MummaPI · 13/11/2020 22:52

@GreatSoprendo my DH doing the same. We've played with him lots, online pictionary. Plus given him half of guess who and battleships to play over video calls with the kids.
Christmas card writing?
He also has a small amount of time in the garden every day.
Hope you're doing well. Cake

LunaLoveFood · 13/11/2020 20:14

GreatSoprendo sounds more interesting than my actual topic!

GreatSoprendo · 13/11/2020 19:52


GreatSoprendo you can write my dissertation if you like. It's due in soon and I'm lacking time and motivation.

Willing to give it a go. If it can be on the subject of Married At First Sight Season 5 that would be ideal, given I have watched the entire series today....
Ginogineli · 13/11/2020 18:28

Working full time
Kids at schools to doing achool run
Walking dog
Both dh and kids still going to sports outdoor activities - shouldn’t be on but they are so ....

OgwdihwO · 13/11/2020 18:21


I’ve been cleaning 🙄, running, baking, cooking, walking the dog, watching tv, having naps. I was very bored today - but lots I could have done. I just couldn’t be bothered.
I’m going to do a couple of brief online courses next week so at least I feel like I’ve done something constructive!

Walking the dog round the house?
OP posts:
burglarbettybaby · 13/11/2020 18:19

Upcycling furniture
Painting a bedroom

LunaLoveFood · 13/11/2020 18:19

GreatSoprendo you can write my dissertation if you like. It's due in soon and I'm lacking time and motivation.

OgwdihwO · 13/11/2020 18:19


Exercise classes online, get your Windows and doors open especially when it's sunny and move a chair so you can sit in the sunshine. If you have outside space use it well. Wrap up warm and get into your yard or garden. Listen to music and dance to cheer yourself us.

Book somewhere to go for a good walk on the day your allowed out, it will be the best walk you've had.

I've started painting, I've no idea what I'm doing but it's fun to try. Go through your stuff and have a clear out, clean your house and windows, decorate a room if you feel up to it.

Eat well, take vit d, start a good boxset/book. I can recommend The Queen's Gambit on Netflix, The Crown is on Sunday and I can't wait. Sleep, it makes the time go faster. Talk to your friends and family. Write your Christmas cards.

Basically keep yourself busy and the time will pass.

Thanks! 🥰

Just finished the queens gambit... was amazing!
OP posts:
GreatSoprendo · 13/11/2020 18:17

I’m stuck isolating in one room as tested positive and do not want to pass on to the rest of the family. If anyone has ideas when I’m stuck in a single room I’m all ears.

So far Netflix, sewing, reading and trying to help 7 yr old with his school work from the other side of a closed door :-(

Litthefirealready · 13/11/2020 17:52

I’ve been cleaning 🙄, running, baking, cooking, walking the dog, watching tv, having naps. I was very bored today - but lots I could have done. I just couldn’t be bothered.
I’m going to do a couple of brief online courses next week so at least I feel like I’ve done something constructive!

Crakeandoryx · 13/11/2020 17:48

Exercise classes online, get your Windows and doors open especially when it's sunny and move a chair so you can sit in the sunshine. If you have outside space use it well. Wrap up warm and get into your yard or garden. Listen to music and dance to cheer yourself us.

Book somewhere to go for a good walk on the day your allowed out, it will be the best walk you've had.

I've started painting, I've no idea what I'm doing but it's fun to try. Go through your stuff and have a clear out, clean your house and windows, decorate a room if you feel up to it.

Eat well, take vit d, start a good boxset/book. I can recommend The Queen's Gambit on Netflix, The Crown is on Sunday and I can't wait. Sleep, it makes the time go faster. Talk to your friends and family. Write your Christmas cards.

Basically keep yourself busy and the time will pass.

Todayisgood2 · 13/11/2020 17:45

Working 😔

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