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How will lockdown change my birth?

6 replies

TheMewsMuse1975 · 01/11/2020 09:17

Hi I’m new in here and writing this as I can’t find a definitive answer anywhere else.... I’m due in 4 weeks and will be induced at 40 weeks so will have my baby during this latest lockdown. I have other children who need looking after while I’m in hospital. If we cannot join another household, how does this work? I don’t want to get fined for trying to look after my family... but I also want my partner to be with me at the birth. Or do I have to choose one or the other? Any advice please share!

OP posts:
Racoonworld · 02/11/2020 07:48

Definitely do what you need to do for the birth. This is hard enough without you having to worry about that. I think informal childcare is allowed anyway so is fine.

TheMewsMuse1975 · 02/11/2020 07:13

Thanks everyone!!

OP posts:
WankPuffins · 01/11/2020 12:47

Caring for children is fine. Don’t worry about it Smile

elenacampana · 01/11/2020 12:45

We’re in a Tier 3 area so there has been no mixing of households for weeks for us anyway. My sister gave birth last week, we had our niece all weekend as there was no other option. My sister needed her husband to be with her and they both needed their child to be cared for so she came to us.

unmarkedbythat · 01/11/2020 12:43

My SIL is due a little later, but our plans remain the same. When she goes into labour I am childcare for her existing dc. There is no way anyone will think it reasonable for a 2 year old to be left uncared for whatever the restrictions are and I don't envisage any issues with it.

Asparaguspatchkid · 01/11/2020 12:41

Mixing households for childcare reasons was one of the things they said was acceptable, so should be fine.

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