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Oxford city going to tier 2 on Saturday

23 replies

Rainbowshine · 29/10/2020 14:36

Hardly a surprise but it will only work if the universities really manage to engage the students and enforce the rules.

OP posts:
Orangeblossom7777 · 30/10/2020 21:49

Today it says

Oxford 127
Bath 232
Bristol 399


Orangeblossom7777 · 30/10/2020 21:47

I think those were numbers yesterday from the BBC site, may be different today

shinynewapple2020 · 30/10/2020 21:27

Sorry just seen there is another thread about Bristol

booboo24 · 30/10/2020 21:16

Bristol is high, they're double our rate. 4k cases too in a week

shinynewapple2020 · 30/10/2020 20:59


On BBC site cases per 100K

Oxford 138
Bath 208
Bristol 368

Is there an issue with hospital capacity or something in Oxford?

the others are in 1 (or 1 plus Confused)

Are you sure that's the right number for Bristol and it's Tier 1? It's higher than Birmingham which has been on a higher level for weeks (from before the Tiers were names) and they are talking of a level 3 . It doesn't seem to make sense .
booboo24 · 30/10/2020 19:52

I'm in a village the Cherwell Valley council area, every week the Oxford Mail lists the areas that have had cases and where I am is yet to have one, however the district as a whole is higher than the city, my fiance lives in an area with a rate of 348 per 100k and still in T1. I get that the rate isn't the only marker they look at, it's rate of growth, age, hospital admissions etc but ours still seems low compared to a lot of counties. I'm not under any illusions though that the surrounding villages will have an older population and so they are trying to stop it before it spreads too far throughout.

MercyBooth · 30/10/2020 02:19

@ArtieFufkinPolymerRecords They probably saw that ECC did it and want a piece of the action.

TheGodOfSmallThings · 30/10/2020 00:03

Same here, ThisIsMe. I’m in the north of the county and our rate is higher than Oxford’s. I guess the difference is that the population is more spread out here, so the virus is likely to spread less quickly. But if it’s about pressure on hospitals, it doesn’t make sense, as severe cases from this area would be sent to the JR.

ThisIsMeOrIsIt · 29/10/2020 23:38

My part of Oxfordshire has had 163 cases in 100,000 in the last week. So more than the city, yet they're going to Tier 2 and we're still Tier 1. 🤷🏻‍♀️

ArtieFufkinPolymerRecords · 29/10/2020 16:40

I'm really pissed off about it - it was reported last week that council leaders were asking for us to be moved and there were not enough cases to justify it. There are lots of places with much higher numbers that are not in tier 2, and when I've tracked on the interactive map, cases have been dropping almost everywhere in the city. My area of Oxford shows as having 3 cases in the 7 days to 24/10.

NightmareLoon · 29/10/2020 15:59

[quote StatisticalSense]@NightmareLoon
In a student heavy city like Oxford the correlation between background and poverty will be less pronounced than elsewhere in the country as many of the non white-British residents will be international students from extremely rich backgrounds.[/quote]
Those were meant to be two separate stand-alone stats.

I'm not sure the international students, BAME or otherwise, are counted in the census.

Rainbowshine · 29/10/2020 15:44

Oxford is a dense city in terms of there being a lot of people in a space, it’s quite a small city.

There’s a lot of areas where the poverty/minimum wage work means people are sharing rooms in HMOs. I know that some couples share a rented room, one has it in the day and work nights and then vice versus for the other. It’s catastrophically expensive to live in Oxford so people can’t afford to take time off work either. Then add in the massive student population that probably doubles the amount of people living there (and some have been openly flouting the rules, although not all) and the students at Brookes live out of halls in the lower cost rental areas so you can see how it can pass between “town and gown”.

The county is diverse, in the sense there’s a lot of market towns and rural areas. It’s not all Chipping Norton with David Cameron and Jeremy Clarkson.

OP posts:
StatisticalSense · 29/10/2020 15:27

In a student heavy city like Oxford the correlation between background and poverty will be less pronounced than elsewhere in the country as many of the non white-British residents will be international students from extremely rich backgrounds.

BoulangerieBabs · 29/10/2020 15:20

Orange does Bristol have a higher Asian population where families live multi-generationally? That might be a factor for us.

Orangeblossom7777 · 29/10/2020 15:16

Ah that might make sense then. Although think Bristol is quite diverse too

BoulangerieBabs · 29/10/2020 15:14

Yes Orange their is a higher proportion of bame population here as opposed to the rest of oxfordshire. A fair amount of multigenerational living too.

And there are pockets of deep deprivation alongside million pound + houses.

NightmareLoon · 29/10/2020 15:13


There have been massive numbers of students positive in Bristol as well, and Bath...

is Oxford vulnerable in terms of BAME / deprived / vulnerable?

There are some very deprived sectors of the the city, yes.

From the 2011 UK Census:

In 2011, 64% of Oxford's total population was White British
14% of residents were from a White but non-British ethnic background
22% of residents were from a black or minority ethnic group in 2011, compared to 13% in England
Orangeblossom7777 · 29/10/2020 15:08

There have been massive numbers of students positive in Bristol as well, and Bath...

is Oxford vulnerable in terms of BAME / deprived / vulnerable?

BoulangerieBabs · 29/10/2020 14:58

Students at St John’s college aren't helping the matter going out in to the city after testing positive. If they're getting caught then others will be doing the same, just not been found out yet.

Orangeblossom7777 · 29/10/2020 14:55

These decisions seem to depend on who makes the most fuss it seems at times - seems political

NothingIsWrong · 29/10/2020 14:43

Our council want the whole of Oxfordshire in tier 2. The numbers available don't seem to justify it but who kniws

Orangeblossom7777 · 29/10/2020 14:43

The latter with have high cases in students, too


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Orangeblossom7777 · 29/10/2020 14:42

On BBC site cases per 100K

Oxford 138
Bath 208
Bristol 368

Is there an issue with hospital capacity or something in Oxford?

the others are in 1 (or 1 plus Confused)

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