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Is the Daily Mail’s editorial team really as stupid and their articles suggests...

11 replies

Derbygerbil · 11/09/2020 23:19

... or are they cynics who are only interested in clicks.

Two examples today:

Apparently Sweden is having the “last laugh” over it’s supposedly successful Covid strategy. Quite apart from it not being a laughing matter, how stupid do you have to be to confident that it’s all over?

And there’s a petition to “save our children’s Christmas” by removing the “rule of six”. Whatever your position on the rule of six, whether you think it’s a good thing or an unnecessary infringement of liberties, surely campaigning for it to be relaxed over 3 months before Christmas, is the worst thing you could possibly do if you were actually interested in reducing Covid restrictions over the Christmas period. It’s just idiotic.

My own cynical view is that the DM are wanting to stir resentment and non-compliance in order to help cause cases to rise as that leads to further angst that drives traffic to its site. A UK with Covid under control doesn’t make for attention grabbing headlines.... Or maybe I’m just turning into a conspiracy loon!

And I realise I should be ashamed for feeding the beast that is the DM by actually going onto its site and reading these stories. Shame on me...

OP posts:
RingtheBells · 12/09/2020 06:05

A lot of people on here must read it though because it’s often mentioned in posts, how would they know what was in it if they didn’t look and some posters link to it

Rosehip10 · 12/09/2020 05:52

Yy to the idiotic house price thing, even when there is a story on something like a terrible accident or crime "he/She lived in a 650k house...." Confused

ChanceChanceChance · 12/09/2020 05:52

I find it's more the left who are against any type of lockdown measures. Its a bloody mindedness against restrictions, just because the Tories are in power. Pathetic really

This is absolute rubbish Grin - the biggest opponents are all on the right - Tory MPs (Steve Baker was everywhere yesterday), the Spectator, the Mail.

You can't blame 'the left' for everything.

MrBucket · 12/09/2020 05:48

“ I find it's more the left who are against any type of lockdown measures. Its a bloody mindedness against restrictions, just because the Tories are in power. Pathetic really”

I haven’t found this at all. I know loads of leftie boys who want to close the schools “in solidarity with teachers” (but they expect the mothers of their children to do the childcare/remote learning instead)

Thisisnotnormal69 · 12/09/2020 05:37

They don’t even bother to proof check their headlines on mail online half the time! Missing words, obviously misspelt words etc...Confused

Flaxmeadow · 12/09/2020 05:37

Yes the Mail has become more anti establishment/Gov't recently.

I find it's more the left who are against any type of lockdown measures. Its a bloody mindedness against restrictions, just because the Tories are in power. Pathetic really

middleager · 12/09/2020 05:33

The Mail knows its demographic and plays to the crowd. In that respect, it is clever and very calculated.

It's a win-win. The paper gets clicks while the readers can get more worked up by headlines over Meghan, migrants, proms, Brexit and Covid.

That said, it was the only paper to confront certain issues such as the rape of those women in Cologne and gender ideology.

RingtheBells · 12/09/2020 05:26

They are only interested in clicks so don't visit the site, I don't visit anyway as they tell me to turn off my adblocker and it is not a site I would whitelist.

Dilovescake21 · 11/09/2020 23:33

The standard of journalism at DM is shockingly bad. So many of their headlines are sensationalist and scare mongering. They print stories which say that something “could” happen but unfortunately many people seem to read them and decide that it’s true . It’s obsessed with Megan and Harry which I find odd as most of the population aren’t really that bothered about them. I look at the site just to laugh at the utter crap they put out. Also they seem weirdly fixated by house prices- they always comment on how much someone’s house is worth even when it has no relevance to the story! It’s almost like they are saying that this person deserves to be murdered/burgled/divorced because their house is worth a million quid. So weird.

BoobsOnTheMoon · 11/09/2020 23:21

Jokes on them really - their readership is mostly in the demographic most likely to be severely affected by Covid19...

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