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Anyone had to do their child's test?

10 replies

BastardGoDarkly · 30/06/2020 21:21

I'm worried I ballsed it up.

About 6 seconds in back of throat, and 10 up the nose.

I'm waiting for results (did it 7pm yesterday)

Did anyone else not have a totally successful time, and still.get a result?

OP posts:
LethargicLumpOfLockdownLard · 01/07/2020 10:29


My child is 8 and has been invited to do the test for research, so i asked my child if they wanted to do it and they said No.

Same, my DD is 10 and didn't want to do it. Having done it myself (bloody horrible and I'm a nurse!) I'm not making her go through that unless actually necessary (if she's ill or exposed).
CaptainMerica · 01/07/2020 08:19

This fills me with dread. If I need to do this to my 3 year old every time nursery send him home with a cough or a temp it is going to be horrific.

Lesat · 01/07/2020 01:23

My child is 8 and has been invited to do the test for research, so i asked my child if they wanted to do it and they said No.

Startyanodealstockpile · 01/07/2020 01:10

I didn't realise the kids test was the same as the adult one, up the nose and back of the throat. Ffs, I'll never get DS to do it and they'll be compulsory, won't they.

ILoveAnOwl · 30/06/2020 23:47

I've done my son and I today. He refused the throat, but I did both nostrils. Really hoping it was enough. I've got mine back and it was negative, still waiting on his though.

BastardGoDarkly · 30/06/2020 23:39

Bernadette do you have to go? I wouldn't go through it unless I had to! Its not pleasant, and my DD is 9.

OP posts:
ChittyChittyBoomBoom · 30/06/2020 22:24

I took my dd (7) for a test last week. She refused to do it 🙄. We eventually managed to persuade her but the lady at the test centre says she didn’t think there’d be enough sample.

Knowing I couldn’t return to work until she’d had a negative result, I went home and booked another test straight away.

Both tests came back negative so I guess there was enough sample on the first test after all!

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 30/06/2020 22:18

My little one (5) has been invited to do the research. I'm dreading it!

BastardGoDarkly · 30/06/2020 22:17

I've literally just got negative result through.

Thank god!! I've got hair appointment Saturday Grin

Best of luck with this one Bobbin

OP posts:
1Bobbinwinder · 30/06/2020 21:56

Just to cheer you I did my best and got an unclear today. So will repeat tomorrow. Bloody nightmare.

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