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UK death levels back to normal

3 replies

RapidRainbow · 30/06/2020 12:31

Some good news coming through, actually lower than the 5 year average. Long may it continue.

OP posts:
feelingverylazytoday · 30/06/2020 13:37

I think we could actually end up with a lower than average death rate over the whole year if we keep up with some of the changes we've had to make because of coronavirus - things like washing our hands, wearing masks, social distancing to some degree, as well as some people being motivated to lose weight and exercise more and eat healthier food.

Bol87 · 30/06/2020 12:56

Good news indeed. I do actually think we’ll see a slowing of deaths even though we open up. I think a lot of people who would have died of Covid (ie. the elderly) have very sadly done so & now we have a lot more PPE & safety measures in care homes etc. I think cases will shoot up but it’ll be younger people catching it in pubs, restaurants, shops etc & they are unlikely to die of it. Certainly not in the huge numbers we’ve seen.. I hope not anyway ..

JudithGrimesHat · 30/06/2020 12:41

That is much needed good news!

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