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Anyone booking a holiday to France in July?

26 replies

twiglet123 · 26/06/2020 12:59

Not got anything booked yet but looking at France for mid-July. Would to on the Eurotunnel.

Am I mad to consider this? BoJo hasn’t give the go ahead for foreign holidays yet so I’m working on the assumption that restrictions will be lifted on or around 4th July.

Shall I go for it or save the money? We don’t have an annual travel insurance policy so would have to buy that before we go. I’m worried if we don’t book now we will miss out (always go to the same place). What to do?!?!?!?

OP posts:
notimagain · 27/06/2020 14:27

We are facing a huge recession with mass unemployment, no one knows if their job is safe. But people are willing to blow their savings on a holiday?

It's true that many people both in the UK and elsewhere will shortly be out of work if spending doesn't resume..that includes spending on travel, including holiday travel.

It's a question of which comes first - people sitting on their cash refusing to spend any money just in case of a recession or a fear of a recession causing people to sit on their cash..

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