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Anyone in MODERATE risk group

34 replies

Zem74 · 21/06/2020 07:48

I’m early 30s, moderate risk due to meds for autoimmune condition, generally healthy with no other problems.

Anyone else in the same careful are you being?

My 5 year old has been back at school for a couple of weeks, youngest not back at nursery. Husband WFH, all shopping delivered. But we’ve met friends with similar age children out (parks etc) recently as my children were really starting to suffer with not playing with other children. Am I taking too much risk with this? I feel fine with it at the time but I seem to feel anxious about it all after it’s happened as though I’ve made a mistake!

OP posts:
freddiethegreat · 21/06/2020 23:21

@Zem74 my son (17) had the letters (Crohn’s, Azathioprine discontinued the week before lockdown after an emergency hospital admission for pancreatitis, so then the biologic he was taking had to be changed - he was reacting to it, hence the Azathioprine) in April, but flatly refused to adhere to it. He said outright he’d rather go out, get it and die than sit in the house when he might get it anyway. We won’t comment on what that did to my anxiety levels! Anyway, he’s off the shielding list now that the second biologic is considered established & he’s stable and he’s basically functioning in a bubble with one close friend & her family. He took one hell of a risk, but fingers crossed he may have got away with it.

zobalina77 · 21/06/2020 23:29

I have a congenital heart disease. I work for a supermarket and they have kept me on full pay to stay at home but on the understanding I must do as the shielding are. I'm very grateful to them for this as the last couple of weeks I was at work were a nightmare and I was having lots of anxiety attacks. I'm due back on 6th July and I'm worried about how different it will be. I haven't been in a shop since March and have only been out of the house a couple of times.

DidoLamenting · 21/06/2020 23:40

Zem74 and freddiethegreat does Azathioprine work for Crohn's? I'm on Imraldi (adalimumab) and it's pretty useless.

WannabeGilmoreGirl · 21/06/2020 23:49

I'm in the medium group I think (haven't spoken to my doctor and haven't been sent a letter). Quite severe asthma, 3 autoimmune conditions and sinus problems.

I've been shopping and this week have spent some time with family but socially distanced in the garden.

Really worried about my dd returning to school next week.

Piggywaspushed · 22/06/2020 07:40

wannabe, your GP really should have contacted you by now : that is quite remiss. I'd give them a call.

Aragog · 22/06/2020 08:48

I'm in the clinically vulnerable, or moderate risk, group. I take medication which reduces my immunity for an autoimmune inflammatory arthritis. I'm 47 and teach at an infant school.

I'm currently working from home, overseeing the home learning provision, which I've done since day 1. Most of our staff are now back in school full time. To be honest even if I wasn't in the vulnerable group I suspect I'd be doing he same, as my skills are best suited to this role right now. I go in once a week, for a couple of hours, to sort out some tech stuff, etc.

And although a qualified teacher I'm employed as a HLTA, and normally spend my time covering lessons for PPA and other staff absences, though specialising in teaching computing most of the timetable. So, if we still have bubbles come September I have no idea how that's going to work!

We are still being fairly careful at home. When dh has been into work or been to see clients he comes home and washes and often changes his clothes; when dd has been out to meet her friends or boyfriend, she does the same.

We've only seen friends and family outside, bar MIL and BIL. But that's only because mil lived with us for the first 12 weeks of lockdown as fil was very ill and sadly died at the start of all this, so we've seen bil due to that and also the funeral and burial of ashes. Mainly outside but not always if the weathers not been suitable. We've broken the 6 people rule to make it 7, as its been outside and was just our household and one other household, so risk of the extra one was minimal.

I have to admit I'm getting to the point where I just want to be back to normal. Part of me has these moments if thing it'll be fine and then another small part whispers, 'but what of if.' A decade ago I was really poorly,with pneumonia, before my health condition and medication. That took months to recover from so I worry it'd be even worse now.

Aragog · 22/06/2020 08:49

I originally got,all the shovelling information but checked with my go and rheumatologist. Both confirmed I was okay not to,shield, and I was in the second group. So,just stringent SD.

Zem74 · 22/06/2020 11:55

Seems there are a lot of us in this limbo category that are just keen to get back to normal(ish) life, with a little extra worry thrown in!

OP posts:
Piggywaspushed · 22/06/2020 11:58

I think I read 17m people are in the vulnerable category.

DH's GP has sub division within that of extremely high (shielded I presume), high, and moderate .

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