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Daily briefing

73 replies

flamingochill · 17/06/2020 15:12

Possibly a stupid question but is there a way to look up who is hosting the daily briefing? I don't want to miss the Gavin Williamson announcement

OP posts:
Mumratheevergiving · 19/06/2020 16:20

Why don’t they consult properly before coming up with their policies? I sense another U- turn is going to be needed. They’ll be ready with the trumpets for Gavin’s big announcement and face a barrage of questions from disappointed parents, pupils and school staff. A few private tutoring companies and their shareholders will be popping some corks though!

Gavin are you going to come and look after my kids while i work this summer and help them catch up on missed schoolwork? You have failed to present me with any other options?

MNnicknameforCVthreads · 19/06/2020 15:47

This article breaks down how ridiculous their tutoring proposal is.

I’m so cross Angry

flamingochill · 19/06/2020 15:43

No money for y12 and over

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Appuskidu · 19/06/2020 13:03

I haven’t read the details fully but wouldn’t it be better for schools to be able to pay existing TAs to provide small group or one to one work rather than have to buy in tutors from Gov approved suppliers?

Yes, of course it would. I’m a part time teacher-I would happily increase my hours and run intervention and catch up sessions-I know lots of teachers in a similar situation.

But that wouldn’t make the tutoring companies any money, would it?

I think looking at who is making money from the tutoring companies is where some journalists need to be looking closely...

Mumratheevergiving · 19/06/2020 11:27

Red Cherries - I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for shielded people to be lower down the list of Government priorities to address than football.

Money into education is good my questions would be:

What quality will the tuition be at £12 per hr? I haven’t read the details fully but wouldn’t it be better for schools to be able to pay existing TAs to provide small group or one to one work rather than have to buy in tutors from Gov approved suppliers?

Like a pp I’m worried about how the gaps to high-middle achieving children education will be bridged who haven’t as obviously dropped behind.

What about the summer holidays? Working parents need to know what childcare we can use??

What is the plan for September and what’s the contingency plan? The Government can be proactive not reactive now.

Redcherries · 19/06/2020 08:12

@flamingochill it’s weird, they didn’t speak to the schools and yet the constantly avoided shielding update is delayed because they wanted to talk to charity’s 🤔 they’ve only had 3 bloody months, we didn’t go anywhere!

My condition doesn’t have an associated charity, I’m fucked aren’t I 😂

nether · 19/06/2020 07:55

Is the "most in need" intended to cover shielded pupils who cannot safely return? Will it cover full range of A level and GCSEs?

MNnicknameforCVthreads · 19/06/2020 07:37

It’s on the BBC now, and schools will be expected to pay 25% towards it. They’ll be given funding but still....I imagine schools have overspent already due to CV (resources/subscriptions, cleaning bills and copious amounts of soap and hand sanitiser).

I don’t think this enough. And as always there is very little detail on specifics.

Also, whilst it’s absolutely right that the most in need get the tutoring, it doesn’t exactly help the millions of average-bright children and I presume it also won’t help those budding scientist-to-be type students who need certain grades for their course and to be the adults who might eventually improve this planet!

flamingochill · 19/06/2020 03:31

Bit more detail here but looks like they didn't talk to the schools beforehand. When will they learn?

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flamingochill · 19/06/2020 03:27

Apparently the tutoring fund has been announced but wasn't worthy of a daily briefing session

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Mumratheevergiving · 18/06/2020 21:31

I'm sorry to say that the letter from 1,500 members of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health asking for action to be taken because of the damage to children caused by being out of school has fallen on deaf ears.

Obviously no urgency in letting working parents know what their childcare options are to be over the summer holidays in England (as current regulations allow for none).

MNnicknameforCVthreads · 18/06/2020 21:28

In a word, nope!

confusedandtired99 · 18/06/2020 21:22

I had to work. Did they actually announce anything education wise?

Mumratheevergiving · 18/06/2020 20:05

Dido Harding - leading the triumph that is the UK track and trace programme.

According to Wikipedia she holds a board position at the Jockey Club (part of the group responsible for events such as Cheltenham races..)

GabriellaMontez · 18/06/2020 18:57

Who is dildo? Sorry for slowness had Wine

Cherryghost · 18/06/2020 18:24

Do you think the Tories deliberately come out with some crap in the morning to hit the news e.g 'taking a knee comes from game of thrones' to avoid any questions about track and trace being crap and that they haven't released any proper figures

LockdownLou · 18/06/2020 17:49

Thought I was about to watch Gavin, not handjob

flamingochill · 18/06/2020 17:41

He was very Alan Partridge today.

An education question from the public 👏 but unfortunately a totally bullshit "the DoE are looking into it "reply.

When did all questions become "great questions"? It's become really disingenuous to hear it at the start of every answer.

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partefeildo · 18/06/2020 17:34

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Mumratheevergiving · 18/06/2020 17:32

Sorry 'Cherry on the cake'

Mumratheevergiving · 18/06/2020 17:30

I tell you what would make working from home more effective Matt Hancock...not having to moonlight as a teacher at the same time as doing your paid job.

I bet Hancock is peeved Boris got to debut the medical breakthrough & he has to defend the delay to Dido's 'icing on the cake' test and trace app.


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MNnicknameforCVthreads · 18/06/2020 17:05


It's not like anybody's surprised. It never had to be "world beating ", we'd happily settle for "as good as everybody else's"


Yet another fuck up by Boris. He’s is SUCH an IDIOT, pardon my shouting.
Dadnotamum72 · 18/06/2020 17:04

The extension to 4 weeks, is it coincidental that Boris is watching the red arrows with Macron so wouldn't have been free today to do the briefing.

Instead we have Dildo and Handjob

LST · 18/06/2020 17:02

Just seen Bojo watching the arrows with Macron. I'd love another proper update...

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