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Can you get covid symptoms 3 weeks after recovering?

27 replies

Watchingtv44 · 17/06/2020 09:17

Just wondering - probably didn’t have it 3 weeks ago but am wondering if you can get the same/similar symptoms 3 weeks later after recovering.

There are 4 if us at home all had the same thing 3 weeks ago and now we have gone back again but in varying degrees - in particular with tummy pains..

OP posts:
CrowdedHouseinQuarantine · 17/06/2020 18:55

thanks op.
we just have to continue keeping our distance I think, just in case

Watchingtv44 · 18/06/2020 08:25

And now my son has his temp back too so that’s all 4 of us with our symptoms back. It’s very odd!
Yes will treat it as if we haven’t got covid as it’s not confirmed by a test so taking no chances!

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