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School / wraparound predictions for September

35 replies

Hmmmmminteresting · 14/06/2020 09:53

I know it's impossible to know for sure... but what's the general feeling?
All operating as normal with zero social distancing?
My 4yo is starting reception in September but I'm heavily relying on their breakfast and after school clubs operating as normal.
We have no childminders in the area and mine and dh jobs would be really really difficult to do within school hours

OP posts:
LockdownLou · 15/06/2020 07:45

Our college has prepared part time but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a contingency plan.
Things change on a daily basis in this new world it seems.

starfish4 · 15/06/2020 10:50

I work for a school, they have no guidelines for September yet. To be fair, the government probably dont, a lot has changed in the last three months, a lot could change in the next three months.

However, I do think the aim will be to get all years back, but I'd suspect it's less days than normal.

namechangenumber2 · 15/06/2020 10:57

I think it's only natural to guess etc @ChittyChittyBoomBoom, I don't have a childcare need to get my children back to school (they're older) but I'm still guessing and thinking about how it's going to work. I can only imagine how hard this must be if you need school/wraparound care to be able to work

I think it would take a very confident person to just shrug their shoulders and say they're happy to just wait and see what happens

GreenTulips · 15/06/2020 11:05

Until the track and trace is up and running properly and everyone participate fully then you’ll continue to have problems.

With track and trace in place they can isolate bubbles while everyone else gets on with it.

With all the demonstrations and packed beaches and lack of social distancing you’ll be as you are for a long time to come.

Blame those not complying with restrictions

RaggieDolls · 15/06/2020 12:05

At the moment our head intends to start new reception mornings only for the first half term. This is so the reception team can work in yr1 in the afternoons with the children who missed their R/Yr1 transition.

Lots might change virus wise but assuming they can start back at all the 'mornings only' plan is fixed because nothing can change how much transition time the current year R have lost.

They don't expect to be able to open wraparound care if bubble arrangements remain. This will even apply where bubbles expand to 30 so are effectively just 'stay within your class'. Our school makes a lot of money from wraparound care so if is financially crippling.

Obviously it will be different at your school but I think you need to prepare for at least some disruption. I feel for you OP. It's very hard on all of us who rely on wraparound care.

ChittyChittyBoomBoom · 15/06/2020 18:04


I think it's only natural to guess etc *@ChittyChittyBoomBoom*, I don't have a childcare need to get my children back to school (they're older) but I'm still guessing and thinking about how it's going to work. I can only imagine how hard this must be if you need school/wraparound care to be able to work

I think it would take a very confident person to just shrug their shoulders and say they're happy to just wait and see what happens

But what actually is the alternative to wait and see what happens? Making plans based on guess-work is futile. It’s not about having confidence, it’s about coming to terms with the fact that we don’t know how this is going to pan out and we aren’t in control of this. Scary and frustrating I know but guess work just increases anxiety for others.
ohthegoats · 15/06/2020 18:10

DfE guidance has come out today with a focus on curriculum planning for remote learning and/or a combination of remote and classroom learning. There is no context about primary or secondary schools, it's about curriculum, but they have examples from primary and secondary.

So, I think they are planning for part time schooling. Or at least planning for the potential for part time schooling. And getting schools to consider how best to do it from a teaching and learning and curriculum coverage point of view.

Don't expect any wrap around care I would say. We used breakfast club and after school club from the earliest time to the latest, so....

StrawberryBlondeStar · 15/06/2020 18:15

I very much thought it would be “blended learning” for foreseeable future; however, I felt there was a change in Sturgeons emphasis today. Both Sturgeon and Johnson follow public opinion, and I feel there is a change. People were happy not to go back for summer, but now people are looking to this going on into Autumn and they aren’t happy.

I reckon schools will be back in normal by September (with lots of hand washing, no assemblies). Not sure about wrap round care.

MrsWombat · 15/06/2020 19:14

I have no idea as it's too early to say but the afterschool club at my child's school have just sent us the renewal forms so I'm hoping that's a good sign. My worst nightmare would be back to working my usual physical hours in my school and no wrap around care for my child's primary school.

Randomschoolworker19 · 15/06/2020 22:41

I suspect Boris will tell us late August and we'll all have to make a mad dash to plan everything and get it ready. Then they'll change the guidance and we'll have to redo it all.

Okay few days to go, everything ready... Nope more guidance so back to the drawing board.....again.....

Then when it all goes wrong parents will blame us.... You know.... Because we didn't have that magic can do attitude.

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