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So much negativity

13 replies

Floralapron · 08/06/2020 16:47

Not on here specifically, but on Facebook mainly. When something positive is posted like the low death rate today, so many people reply saying “it’s only low because it’s a weekend, it’ll go up tomorrow”. “There’s a second wave coming soon”. “Just wait two weeks after all the protesting this weekend”.
Why can’t people take some joy in positivity and things looking like they may be improving/moving forward?

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 08/06/2020 20:22

I do think there's a middle ground.

KenDodd · 08/06/2020 20:19

A lower death rate is great news.

More really good news, 23 countries and territories around the world have completely eradicated covid. New Zealand did today, I think Iceland will soon.

ragged · 08/06/2020 20:16

Find the dementors threads, OP. It's a merciful release from the negativity.

DBML · 08/06/2020 19:50

The media (mainly tv) tend to sell bad news. It makes people anxious and keeps them locked on to the channel. Great for ratings. Not so good for people.

frozendaisy · 08/06/2020 19:45

I thought it was optimistic news still not great but hey it is improving. Daily briefing little more positive than previously. Still think this school year is to be written off, summer will be restricted but on the whole active cases, numbers testing positive and deaths are coming down isn't this the point?

Sparklingbrook · 08/06/2020 19:11

Everyone seems intent in dragging on this miserable way of life for as long as they can.

People that are shielding aren't. People that are still not at work and homeschooling etc, I don't think they are dragging on, more just getting on with it.

user1493494961 · 08/06/2020 19:10

Also in agreement OP.

Kcnana · 08/06/2020 19:07

Totally agree with you OP. I think we might see a change perhaps when the furlough scheme is coming to an end!

Everyone seems intent in dragging on this miserable way of life for as long as they can.

nellodee · 08/06/2020 19:07

I'm a real dyed in the wool lock-down-til-it's-safer, but even I think that there are signs of promising improvement in the figures (though it feels a little disrespectful to say any fatality figure is good news - not having a dig, just being careful with my own words). Scotland having no deaths for two consecutive days is definitely amazing news.

FangsForTheMemory · 08/06/2020 19:01

They're not negative, they're realists.

Sparklingbrook · 08/06/2020 18:59

It's got to the point where people don't know if they can be hopeful or not so it's easier to think the worst and then it's a bonus if that doesn't happen.

The daily figures are quite erratic even though the overall trend is downward.

Bol87 · 08/06/2020 18:56

People like misery it seems..

I also think people have been made to feel so frightened that it plays into their rhetoric. People are really anxious (me included at times) & the threat of second waves & things not actually improving justifies their worries & want to stay at home.

Lynda07 · 08/06/2020 16:50

I suppose so, they are probably afraid of being too optimistic - especially as one day we are told the infection rate is down and the next, it's up. Even a dip in deaths is nothing to rejoice about, there are still plenty. It's useful to see an improvement though, as long as it is sustained.

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