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Anyone not sending their Reception or year 1 child back to school yet?

36 replies

33goingon64 · 05/06/2020 21:14

I couldn't see an existing thread on this so apologies if I'm repeating. We decided not to send our 4 year old back this week so we're still home schooling him along with his 9 year old brother.

Various reasons, including my belief the lockdown is being eased too quickly and in a confusing way that will no doubt lead to a second wave (IMO); the absence of any argument that such young children should be the first group back; and the fact that he would find it weird being there without his brother and they've been playing really well together at home.

It's impossible to socially distance such young kids - the bubble system only goes so far. What about the adults dropping off/picking up who will tempted to socialise at an unsafe distance? What about families where GPs do school run (they may not have had any physical contact with the DGC during Coronavirus but are now obliged to put themselves at risk)? Why aren't older kids going back first, as they're better able to understand the whole thing and will be affected worse by missing school?

So, I'm asking if anyone else is keeping their DC off for these or other reasons, and what you think will change your minds? Not looking for a pile on of people who disagree with me about what I've written above (I know plenty do from other threads) - just looking to hear from anyone not sending kids back and asking why. Thanks.

OP posts:
BunsyGirl · 06/06/2020 18:30

My year 5 (private school) is going back on Wednesday. The school is already open for nursery, reception, year 1 and year 6. We’ve been told that 75% of those years are already back. All the parents that have sent their DC’s back and who I have spoken to have said that their children are really happy. I literally cannot wait for the school run next week. Hope my year 2 can go back soon.

33goingon64 · 06/06/2020 17:37

Fluffy, I know it's happening and thankfully we are being given a choice about whether to join in or opt out. I've read with interest the threads about going back vs not going back and it wasn't my intention to start another one here. I asked for thoughts from those choosing to opt out, to hear their reasons and whether they are the same as mine, or different.

OP posts:
pfrench · 06/06/2020 16:37

About 60% of kids are back I reckon.

Fluffyglitterystuff · 06/06/2020 16:00

Op a lot of your questions are completely irrelevant because this is what is happening. It doesn't matter whether you think it's fair that R and year 1 go back first, because it's already happening.

You're perfectly entitled to keep your child off school if that's what you've decided. But a lot of what you are saying is incorrect.

Personally I don't understand the people who say that they won't send their dc back because they'd rather visit relatives. I hope that those dc don't resent the fact that their parents deprived them of their education so that they could visit family.

33goingon64 · 06/06/2020 15:57

Thanks for your detailed reply, bananaskins. I do know what our school is doing and they have sent photos too. I think schools are doing the best they can.

OP posts:
WhenSheWasBad · 06/06/2020 15:35

It’s not an option where I live. Council has (sensibly) decided the R rate is too high here.

Schools are still only open for key worker kids.

boymum9 · 06/06/2020 15:24

I was planning on keeping ds (reception) at home, but since his school has come out with their plan I'm reconsidering it, they won't return until the 18th, one 4 days at week, one week on one week off. This would mean ultimately only 8-10 days at school before the summer holidays, their plan seems ok to me so I'll think about it, I think he'll benefit from seeing his teacher that he loves so much and being around some friends

TiredMummyXYZ · 06/06/2020 15:21

I’m a teacher and my year 1 child isn’t going back until a September. His school isn’t opening until the 15th anyway and year 1 are only going in for one day a week. Plus they will only be covering the same materials as offered through home learning so it doesn’t seem worth the extra infection risk. Schools will do everything they can to make it as safe as it can be but there is a limit to what they can do when our country is one of the worst affected countries in the world.

bananaskinsnomnom · 06/06/2020 15:20

I’m not a parent to the perspective isn’t the same but I work in a reception class - the first week back has been very successful for us. Our advantage is as an independent, my class is only 15 anyway so thankfully no splitting, they can all do full time as a class. The rest however could apply anywhere - varying of course of class room and building size and lay out.

All our children have their own labelled desk and chair. We have kept the table together to make big tables and their working areas are diagonal across to maintain distance. They really love having their own stationery pot and not having to share it - saves arguments!

Our school have done well with the bubbles - we were all given a map showing what route we must take to the playground or field to avoid collision. Obviously we don’t have enough corridors for everyone to have their own but the timetable and maps have been carefully to minimise bumping into another bubble. Each play bubble across the field and playground has a wide pathway between so the classes tend to wave across - they have been brilliant at sticking to the rules and staying in their lines.

Outdoor toys have been divided up so every class has their own box.

Arrival is staggered between half 8 and half 9 and they don’t line up in the playground anymore, they go straight to the classroom door. Pick up is also spread from 3 - 3:30.

You are absolutely correct though that social distancing within the bubble hasn’t happened. They’ve got used to only using their own table and chair. But they can’t not share. When they play, they want to play together and they just can’t distance. Nor am I going to let a child who has hurt them self soothe themselves. If a child wants cuddle because they are sad or hurt I’m not going to leave them crying. I don’t know if parents would say this is right or wrong but I don’t think anyone would want their child sat in the corner crying with a teacher two meters back trying to calm them down. We have gloves and aprons to deal with accidents as we would anyway. Our school is on it with cleaning though - we’ve all been given a box of cleaning supplies and tables and constantly being wiped down. We have a “cleaning table” where toys and resources are put once someone has finished with them and we blitz them with cleaning spray . Of course it doesn’t happen always, one child will have duplo and 3 more will come over but we are staying on top of it as much as we can. Hand washing is now a significant portion of time for the day and we have rhymes and things for when we need to do so. We are doing the best we can and thankfully the children have been really happy, I have 90% of my class back. Two staff per bubble and this doesn’t change.

I think there are many valid reasons on both sides of the argument for schools returning. OP if you’re undecided I would contact your school and find out what measures are in place and how it’s going to be implemented. Ours sent photos of the bubbles and lay outs and we made a booklet for the children with pictures of our classrooms etc. I’m proud of my school during this. I realise the class size was an advantage but our classrooms are not big, nor are our corridors or our toilet facilities (reception share a small toilet room with 3 toilets in, Pre- Reception are also back and likewise have to share toilet facilities, we can’t use the EYFS outdoor area because accessing it means cutting through another classroom due to layout so none of us can use it) the bubbles are being enforced strictly. I’ve had to spend a fortune stocking up on hand sanitiser because we haven’t been given that and I’m getting through it like crazy now we are back.

OP you have to make a choice based on what’s best and what works for your family. None of us know for sure how this will pan out.

I personally think the government will want everyone back at school by September. Not what I think is right or wrong btw, just what I think the government will do.

CazM2012 · 06/06/2020 15:17

I have one in reception and one in Y1, haven’t sent either in, I don’t really fear them Catching COVID but the logistics Are hard as they have different drop off and collection times, different days, one Monday & Tuesday, one on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. I also have a nursery and Y3 who won’t be allowed back anytime soon, so the unfairness or watching their siblings go in wouldn’t be fair, also having to walk rather than the bus wouldn’t be fun as my youngest has some additional needs.
I’m glad to be honest those who have returned spent this week colouring, washing hands and being told to stay away from each other. Our school have said they won’t be doing the curriculum, some catch up work (if possible).

FourTeaFallOut · 06/06/2020 15:13

No, I'm shielding so although I have a y1 and y6 who were invited to return it wasn't an option. We live in an area which has seen high levels of infection and where the r0 is among the highest in the country, so too risky right now.

EcoCustard · 06/06/2020 15:05

My reception child returned on Monday. One of two out of a class of fifteen. Social distancing is not required between them and the class teacher, stay in their bubble and parents are to maintain distancing. Cleaning is rigorous. All has gone well this week. He is doing a good amount of schooling and playing, and as it had become difficult in recent weeks trying to school him I am pleased he returned, he even said he was happy to be back.

notheragain4 · 06/06/2020 15:04

@33goingon64 fair enough, but plenty of people have made assumptions and have been pleasantly surprised at how it has been managed. So regardless of what you are asking I think it's worth being pointed out, though it won't be the same everywhere of course.

I'm not really worried about the infection rate. We are sticking to the rules (so I don't need to feel guilty) but I have no reason to worry if we get it, we are young and healthy it would be irrational for me to be concerned for us, and I'm not hindering my son's education on irrational fears or mistrust. Schools have opened, my kids are going.

33goingon64 · 06/06/2020 14:31

Thanks. I'm well aware of what my school is doing (they've been great at communicating) and I'm not making assumptions. I've seen families walking home together not 2m apart then playing together in parks, and I've walked past playground seeing kids playing together as normal (I.e. touching). My point is that in spite of school doing all they can, there are still risks of infection and when we are still the highest death rate in Europe (or the world depending on who you believe), I prefer (and am luckily able) to keep my 4 year old at home.

My DC haven't seen their GM since March and until we're allowed to stay overnight we can't change that. If they'd been in school I'd feel less inclined to visit her in case we pass something to get (or vice versa).

I'm not telling anyone else what they should do, I'm asking others who are keeping their DC at home how they are feeling about it.

OP posts:
Greengrapes1357 · 06/06/2020 14:24

Our school opens next week and this week the schools sent the numbers out - more children in y6 going back than yr/1. I'm assuming because the change for the younger ones is probably bigger than for the older ones.

Carlislemumof4 · 06/06/2020 14:14

Our school aren't taking the Year 1s back until the end of June but we'd have chosen to keep her off with our other DCs regardless. I've got them in a good home learning routine, we'll keep that going until the end of term.

The infection rate is still high here and school will just be childcare and a rather strange environment for those final three weeks.

I'm worried about September though, Year 1 DD is just turned 7 and has only been in school for eighteen months as we kept her back a year as a summer born. Right decision, she belongs in the school year she's in academically and socially but the longer she's out of school the harder she'll find it to settle back in I think. Elder DD is moving up to Year 6. I feel she needs to be in school as otherwise the move up to secondary next year will be that much harder. There's no way our little school can bring all pupils back unless social distancing is dropped. Part-time (with the possibility my three in primary would be in on different days or same days, different times) would be so disruptive to us as a family.

Trying to prepare for all eventualities. Have just bought new uniform online from M&S but also have parent subscriptions for White Rose Maths and a couple of other sites, have bought a few workbooks, obviously there are lots of free resources too.

The infection rate here remains a real worry, September seems close in that regard.

notheragain4 · 06/06/2020 14:12

My 6 year old went back to school this week. I would suggest properly looking into what your school is doing before making assumptions. In our school it has been very well planned. We have a set time to drop off and pick up (9 and 2 for us) I come across a handful of parents, perfectly possible to socially distance.

I was a bit worried it looked boring with Victorian style desks, but he is loving it, happily going back to school everyday and he didn't even like it that much pre Covid! Doing lots of fun, independent activities. Playing non contact games outside. And it's given us a much needed reprieve which has meant I've been much better able to home school my 9 year old.

Word has gotten out though and lots more parents have decided to send their kids back this week so I hope it's maintainable, head teacher isn't worried as of yet.

So I would be careful making assumptions, it's gone really well in our school and I am so glad my son is getting some schooling in, no it's not as much as he'd be doing in normal times, but it's a heck of a lot more than he was doing at home, for my 6 year old it's the socialisation and discipline of sitting, listening, doing tasks etc that I think is mostly beneficial.

FishOnPillows · 06/06/2020 14:04

My DC are Year 2 & Year 4, and are going back next week.
They’re starting a new school though, so a whole new layer of complexity!

Originally they weren’t going to start until September. But we toured the school this week, met the headteacher and everyone, saw how the classrooms were and had the days/environment explained to us - and both DC were really excited about starting! There’s actually only 2-3 kids from each of years R,1, & 6 in anyway. So my DC are going into a key worker bubble, where there’s also a couple of Year 4 boys for DS to start to get to know. Year 2 DD already knows someone from her year.

They were so anxious about starting a new school, but now they’re both very excited!

We could just about keep them at home if we had to - but DP is working more than full-time from home, and I’m only wfh 2 days a week (& out the other 3). We just haven’t got the time to educate the DC properly, and they do spend too much time on tablets/Xbox etc. I think starting them back now is the best thing for them - especially as DP/me are wfh so can facilitate drop-off/pick-up ourselves, with no need for wrap-around care.

Even if they’re just sat there doing the online work, they’ll have the opportunity to meet and socialise with other kids. And fewer kids at school mean they’ll get to know the teachers easier (& vice versa).

Apologies for the length of that - but really it shows that people have so many different scenarios and home situations, there really is no one answer.

Ineverdidmind · 06/06/2020 13:37

Our school still haven't opened up for any children other than key workers kids. If I could send my yr 1 and yr 6 in I would.

timeforawine · 06/06/2020 13:35

My nearly 4 year old has gone back to nursery and is very happy. She starts school in September so we want her as ready as possible, she was missing proper learning and her friends.
They have 2 bubbles, one the upstairs rooms and one the downstairs rooms, each bubble has its own garden too.

Nonnymum · 06/06/2020 13:27

struggle with the argument about them never catching up when kids in many other countries don't start school til age 7
I agree and I don't think the children going back are actually doing much learning. Primary school teachers I know say at the moment all they can actually do is child care. The environment at the moment doesn't alow for the way very young children learn. I don't think those who don't go back yet will miss out on anything

33goingon64 · 06/06/2020 13:22

Interesting points, thanks all.

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RaggieDolls · 06/06/2020 08:00

I'm really surprised you think the older children would be easier to socially distance. They tend to use public transport / school buses to get to school in massive groups that would undermine any bubble system. Parents have no way of ensuring teenagers come straight home either. Teachers can't 'police' a massive secondary school site to enforce social distancing.

They are also taught by different subject teachers and are all taking different subjects at GCSE. You simply can't form bubbles in secondary as far as I can see. Despite that year 10 and year 12 are back next week where I live on a reduced, part time basis.

Little ones are generally dropped to the school and picked up and taken straight home. Many do not need to use public transport and schools have introduced staggered start and end times. Whatever you think of the effectiveness of the bubble system it is possible to enforce it with current numbers in primary schools.

YouSetTheTone · 06/06/2020 07:38

If I could send my year 3 child back in I would and I’m desperately worried that my due-to-start reception in Sept child will have a very delayed start to schooling.
The current risk to children of catching covid-19 is low (we are in an area with low community transmission at the moment). The risk of getting seriously ill from it is lower still. I am getting increasingly worried about the impact on my 8 year old in terms of his mental health (he’s a generally happy child who is getting in with his home schooling but he hasn’t played with friends for weeks and if I leave the room in the house he gets anxious. He was absolutely flying at school - both socially and educationally and it saddens me so much that it’s all ground to a halt).
The above comment re impact on delays to their education has been outlined in research I’ve read too. I will probably look at personal tutors for both my children if school doesn’t start back full time in Sept (due to be in year 4 and reception).

Fruitteatime · 05/06/2020 22:10

Op I've been waiting for this thread! Dd 6 is staying at home for now. I am also considering sending her back after the 15th June. I am lucky school have said we should just let them know if we change our minds and that I only work from home one day a week. Unfortunately we are only managing minimal home schooling set by the school as we have toddler ds at home too. I'm a bit worried about the above comment on children never catching up Sad Dd is always reading and she does a piece maths work each day. Occasionally we manage to do some R.E. or English. We go to our allotment 2 or 3 times a week and try to have a walk in the woods some days too. It isn't like we do nothing (although some days we watch tv, specifically Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) but it's not as much as she would do at school or everything that is set by school and she spends a lot of time playing with toddler ds.

Dd seems very happy at home, in fact our relationships within the household seem much improved. Ds and dd are having so much fun together and it's a factor in keeping her home. I appreciate that this time has been a gift to us.

I would like her to see her peers and if I can't arrange to meet up for a walk or in a garden of any of them soon I might have to send her back. For the moment I am putting my trust in my decision to keep her off.

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