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What are the current lockdown rules as I'm getting confused!

8 replies

Dualipa · 27/05/2020 11:58

I thought family still couldn't visit ??? Yet my parents & grandparents are putting pressure on me to visit my toddler.

OP posts:
thefuriousfuggler · 27/05/2020 12:42

Why not check the actual government guidelines instead of asking on a thread where you will get a variety of answers - most of which will be incorrect.

picklemewalnuts · 27/05/2020 12:09

There's talk of visiting family outdoors next month. That's what they are thinking of.

I do wish they wouldn't trumpet things ahead of time- it just confuses the current status.

Stillmonday · 27/05/2020 12:08

Where does it say you can meet in gardens?

moveandmove · 27/05/2020 12:07

You aren't allowed to meet in gardens yet.

gingajewel · 27/05/2020 12:06

You can’t meet in your garden can you?

MorrisZapp · 27/05/2020 12:04

They can visit your garden or you could meet them in eg a park. But there's no change to the advice not to go into anyone else's house.

BiggerBoat1 · 27/05/2020 12:01

No family still can't visit but you can meet one member of your family outside as long as you stay two metres apart.

Unless you are mates with BoJo and then you can do whatever the fuck you like.

SpencerReidsMistress · 27/05/2020 12:01

You can check out the government website for the updated guidelines.

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