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"Around here life is back to normal"

48 replies

AvenueQ · 25/05/2020 18:33

How can people say that?
Most shops closed. No pubs, cafés or restaurants. No theatre, cinema. No schools, no university. No clubs or evening classes.
Most people working from home or furloughed.
How is that "life is normal"?

OP posts:
MintyMabel · 25/05/2020 23:47

Several studies have concluded that lockdowns in their various forms around the world have made little difference to the progress of the virus.

Sure. The virus just gave up. The curves showing those not locking down aren’t seeing a continued rise. A virus which was known to have an R rate of between 3 and 4 wouldn’t have led to an exponential rise in cases and deaths if we had all just carried on without staying indoors.

“Various surveys” does not a dataset make.

NotEverythingIsBlackandWhite · 25/05/2020 20:41

Things aren't back to normal by me. The only shops open are supermarkets, B&M, Home Bargains, Wilko and M&S (although M&S are now asking whether you want food or clothing and are using separate queues for each from yesterday). Still queuing for 30-40 minutes to get in supermarkets.

Banks and building societies still only open 10 - 2. Post office has now resumed normal hours (was 10 -1).

I went to a garden centre today and travelled by motorway. Not many cars about, unlike last weekend. There was a bit of traffic build host one point but only because some animals had strayed onto the motorway.

My street is lovely and peaceful.

Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 20:41

Well if things are ‘back to normal’ where some people are then it’s because Boris wants it to be. Otherwise he wouldn’t be allowing shops and takeaways to open, or people to sunbathe or play sports etc. So it’s obviously part of the plan.

Inmyownlittlecorner · 25/05/2020 20:39

I’m in North London & walking to & from the local park today felt very normal. Nearly all of the shops on the main road are food based & are all open for takeaway, except pubs & chains, Pret, Costa, McDonald’s etc. Loads of people carrying takeaway coffee cups. The park was busier than it normally would be though with lots of groups of people. We live in a flat with no garden & are all weather picnickers & spend lots of time in the local green spaces. I expect that as soon as the pubs open (we have a few with outdoor space), the parks won’t be as busy.

Sadie789 · 25/05/2020 20:18

Viruses can burn themselves out apparently.

user1497207191 · 25/05/2020 20:17

Several studies have concluded that lockdowns in their various forms around the world have made little difference to the progress of the virus.

Well, something has caused the virus to fall dramatically - if it wasn't lockdown, then what was it? Do those "several studies" state a definitive answer as to the real reason cases have fallen so sharply???

Sadie789 · 25/05/2020 20:13


Clearly, if nobody was following lockdown, cases would not have reduced.

No. Not clearly.

Several studies have concluded that lockdowns in their various forms around the world have made little difference to the progress of the virus. The most notable of these studies is from JP Morgan.

So there’s no “clearly” about it. Bottom line is we will never know what effect lockdown has had.

But if you think of millions in the context of 66 million people, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say millions are not sticking to lockdown.

A couple of million (literally millions) would be about 1.5% of the population. Various surveys have suggested about 80% compliance (which is apparently way more than the government projected at the start) which leaves 20% not following lockdown or “flouting rules” if you prefer.

20% is about 13 million people. So, millions.

Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 20:06

Tempted to go and sit at the door of my local until it opens to be honest. Maybe they can pass me drinks through the window.

MintyMabel · 25/05/2020 20:05

Traffic in almost all forms is way down and has been for weeks.

Oh come on, since when did statistics matter?

Sadie789 · 25/05/2020 20:04

Yes @MintyMabel literally waiting for things to open, some of them are going to be standing there for a long time!


Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 20:04

Exactly MintyMabel. For the past 10 weeks we’ve had tales on here of people ‘not taking lockdown seriously’, ‘flouting’ the rules, ‘flocking’ to beaches on Easter weekend, having VE Day parties... yes cases have steadily declined.

MintyMabel · 25/05/2020 20:02

Around here everyone is out and about, waiting for things to open

Standing at the door of the pub, actually waiting for things to open?

MintyMabel · 25/05/2020 20:01

Same people who say “millions are ignoring lockdown” or “everyone is flocking to the beaches”. A suggestion that nobody is taking lockdown seriously.

It shows a lack of critical thinking and an inability to think beyond your own experiences.

Clearly, if nobody was following lockdown, cases would not have reduced.

Sadie789 · 25/05/2020 19:56

@IcedPurple this whole thread is made up of anecdotes. The OP is is anecdotal.

Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 19:55

I could definitely get on board with sitting on top of my car roof tooting a horn like that, Sparklingbrook!

Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 19:54

Farting is unwelcome at a car horn party

Apologies. Got carried away with the excitement and it popped out Blush

Sparklingbrook · 25/05/2020 19:54

Will we have a Car Horn Party thread? Wine

toolatetooearly · 25/05/2020 19:48

Fucking well up for the car horn party. I've got a horn that sounds like the one from Dukes of Hazzard, can't wait to give it a good hard tooting

Nihiloxica · 25/05/2020 19:48



Excuse you.

Farting is unwelcome at a car horn party.

Even if we are socially distanced.

Sparklingbrook · 25/05/2020 19:45

I have had wine but I was thinking it was this sort of horn. Blush

"Around here life is back to normal"
Bramblebear92 · 25/05/2020 19:45

When I last went into my town centre things were more normal, but definitely nothing resembling the 'old' normal Hmm

Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 19:43



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Nihiloxica · 25/05/2020 19:41


This is fantastic.

It's like we just invented fun.

IcedPurple · 25/05/2020 19:38

Beep beep!

Drivingdownthe101 · 25/05/2020 19:33

Sorry, busy planning a car horn party.

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