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Anyone jealous of partner going back to the office?

7 replies

C1239 · 21/05/2020 20:50

Is anyone still stuck wfh but their partner is now back in the office? Anyone else feel a bit jealous / annoyed that they are still stuck at home everyday?!!

OP posts:
C1239 · 22/05/2020 09:48

I think I found lockdown easier when everyone was based at home, well was meant to be! It felt like everyone was in it together. But this week I’ve found it harder to be motivated working from home when other people are out and about like everything’s back to normal!

OP posts:
Fishfingersandwichplease · 21/05/2020 21:42

Yep! Doesn't matter how much l do at home, because l haven't physically gone to work, l can't be possibly be as tired as him🤣

BillyAndTheSillies · 21/05/2020 21:41

100%. DH is working from the office 2 or 3 days a week. If he's not in the office he's doing site visits.
Leaves me at home with a four year old and a 7 month old. It gets better each time he leaves though, we are getting back in to the swing of things.
I'm looking forward to the hairdressers reopening so I can disappear for a few hours.

ScrumptiousBears · 21/05/2020 21:39

Absolutely. His life has not changed one bit. I have to manage an 8 hour day wfh with a 4 and a 5 year old plus home schooling and housework. My day started at 5am. I average 4.5 hrs sleep a night. I'm fucked and resentful. Wine

KuckFnows · 21/05/2020 21:37


Redlocks28 · 21/05/2020 21:36

Absolutely not. DH is WFH indefinitely and I wish I was.

Ilovecats14 · 21/05/2020 21:30

Want to swap jobs? 😭

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