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Teaching unions are out of touch...

23 replies

MoreW1ne · 16/05/2020 17:29

Why are schools going back before pubs open? I always join my colleagues for a Friday afternoon 3pm trip to the pub, as do most of my teaching friends around the country. The unions should be lobbying the government to open pubs so we can still do this when we expand student numbers. How will we survive otherwise...They need to get their priorities in order.

OP posts:
Appuskidu · 16/05/2020 19:09
WhyNotMe40 · 16/05/2020 19:07

Omg yes surely it's against my human rights to demand I deal with a load of teenagers while having 3 months of roots showing?

wonderstuff · 16/05/2020 18:58

I've not done a post work pub trip in years, I don't work Fridays. Fond memories of lunchtime pint.

Unbelievable that we're expected to teach before a trip to the hairdressers.

grafittiartist · 16/05/2020 18:52

Yep- I'm going to struggle without the pool at the gym being open after a day with year nine!!

SetPhasersTaeMalkie · 16/05/2020 18:46

My experience too. Now it's no trip and has been for years. Sad days.

WhyNotMe40 · 16/05/2020 18:44

I can remember when the lunchtime trip became the Friday after school trip, then no trip :(

SetPhasersTaeMalkie · 16/05/2020 18:40

Friday lunchtime trip to the pub would be better. We did this in the very early years of my teaching career but it soon became verboten. Spoilsports.😂

WhyNotMe40 · 16/05/2020 18:28

I used to go to the pub at lunchtime with my maths teacher at A level - we used to go to the gay pub so we wouldn't be spotted

PastMyBestBeforeDate · 16/05/2020 18:21

Ah fond memories of the science department spending their petty cash on us at the pub before our sixth form leavers do..

GinJeanie · 16/05/2020 18:17

When I was in the 6th form we'd all go to the pub with our Economics teacher who would then snooze his way through the afternoon lesson 🤪. It was the late 70s!

WhyNotMe40 · 16/05/2020 18:11

Ooh good plan Barbie! Back in the day year 10s would be ordering their own half anyway before or this "think 25" nonsense 🤣 Wink

Barbie222 · 16/05/2020 18:09

Or the bar!!!

Barbie222 · 16/05/2020 18:09

I will be taking my class to the pub, around 2.45? Parents can pick up from there, and enjoy a good old un-socially distanced pint knee deep at the far. Grin

The80sweregreat · 16/05/2020 18:07

Hairdressers and my Pilates class ( in a school hall !) would be nice but I've got a long wait.
3pm in a pub?? Be prepared to be flamed 😂 even though you are kidding!

PumpkinPie2016 · 16/05/2020 17:46

I just want my hairdresser to open!

MrsLangOnionsMcWeetabix · 16/05/2020 17:40

Just take a hip flask. After home schooling my cherub these past weeks I wouldn’t blame you if you opened it at 9:01am.

WhyNotMe40 · 16/05/2020 17:40
WhyNotMe40 · 16/05/2020 17:38

I think gyms should be opening at the same time as schools - I really want my Zumba class back and I can't see the difference. If it's safe for teenagers to be 15 in a class why not adults?

MoreW1ne · 16/05/2020 17:38

@titchy alas not, I don't have many friends. But a nice sentiment.

OP posts:
Grasspigeons · 16/05/2020 17:37
Whitewinetonight · 16/05/2020 17:36

I've stuck to the lockdown restrictions and will, but if I'm required to go back to school on 1 June, then I'm more than happy to go on my camping trip in July and share the showers/toilets. I really feel it's a lot less risky.

Mind you, you're very lucky if you can get away at 3pm around here, school hasn't finished here and after there's lots of other things to sort - maybe the pubs will see the teachers coming after 5pm.

titchy · 16/05/2020 17:35

Most of your friends round the country? Wow the pub must be fucking huge!


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GinJeanie · 16/05/2020 17:32


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