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This is not aibu, it's a coronavirus thread so please have patience

36 replies

Chinchinatti · 15/05/2020 05:04

So, I have asthma and I'm a smoker so I always have a cough.
But my cough has changed in that it's more productive (I'm told not a symptom) and I'm short of breath. I took the bins out earlier this evening and when I came up (one flight of stairs) I was puffing and panting like a horse that had ran the Grand National.
So, I'm ok sitting down, but I have a cough that I always have. It's just more phlegmy.
So, to calm you all down more, I filled out the 111 online form and it said to ring 999.
Here's the AIBU. Aibu to think that I don't have coronavirus and just maybe a chest infection. I have no temperature at all. My cough is usual, but unusually productive (more phlegm than usual).
What would you do. I'm sitting up, I have abdominal pain, but can move about the house, albeit, not fit to clean house or anything?

OP posts:
nether · 15/05/2020 07:35

I filled out the 111 online form and it said to ring 99

Ye, doctor yesterday told me to go to A&E due to pain, not CV

No one here is going to say that you can ignore these two things.

Please get yourself to A&E.

I get that you're scared of hospitals, but waiting until you worsen is not going to help that. Trying to ignore symptoms often makes someine harder to treat.

Chinchinatti · 15/05/2020 07:54

Ye or I waste 50 quid on taxi fares to be told to go home.
It's odd, I'm absolutely fine now, well apart from the pain, but no shortness of breath. I only get that if I exert myself. So I would present to a clinician as completely fine too after a 20 min taxi ride.
Think I'll ride it out here at home with painkillers.
Quite possible that the pain is quite separate to the breathlessness.
Not like they're going to fucking test you either is it, so it's bloody pointless.

OP posts:
longearedbat · 15/05/2020 08:28

Everybody has told you what they would do, which is what you asked, but you have decided to ignore this completely.

HampsteadHeathen · 15/05/2020 08:28

Honestly? The GP told you to go to A&E because of the pain. You've still got the pain. People are avoiding going to A&E as can clearly be seen in the stats and the NHS are very worried about it. Forget about covid for a minute, what would you do in normal circumstances?

Hollyhobbi · 15/05/2020 08:36

My dad had Covid 19 but didn't have a high temperature. I've been in an A and E 4 times since the 1st of March for severe nose bleeds and in the same hospital 3 times since then for blood tests. I still haven't caught Covid 19. And there are cases of the virus in this hospital. Our Chief Medical Officer was in the same hospital a couple of weeks ago as a patient and he said he was worried that the A and E was so quiet and that people need to go if they have an emergency. Like you have @Chinchinatti.

SockYarn · 15/05/2020 08:42

Right, let me get this straight. You spoke to a doctor, who told you to go to A&E and you didn't. You're also refusing to call 111.

I'm not exactly sure then what you're expecting. Last time I looked nobody can whip out their magic diagnostic wand, work out what's wrong and cure you over the internet.

SylvanianFrenemies · 15/05/2020 08:57

You are being ridiculous.

Go to the fucking hospital. You will receive the treatment you need, including testing if required.

SylvanianFrenemies · 15/05/2020 08:59

Sorry if that's harsh. I do understand your fears. But it is really worrying that you would try to "ride it out:.

TooTrueToBeGood · 15/05/2020 09:04

Ye or I waste 50 quid on taxi fares to be told to go home.

How much do you waste a week on smoking? You've been told by a doctor to go to A&E. Take their advice and stop looking for every excuse you can think of because your anxious about hospitals.

Mnthrowaway20202 · 15/05/2020 14:01

Even if you don’t have much money, spending £50 on taxis is worth it for your health as it’s a one off/emergency situation. Unexpected expense yes, but that’s not a waste of money.

MRex · 15/05/2020 14:14

Please don't get a taxi in case you have covid, that isn't fair to the driver, call 999 as you've been advised. Then pack a little bag of essentials plus a book and wait patiently.

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