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Find out how hazardous your job will be

61 replies

Barbie222 · 14/05/2020 19:33

The BBC have made a guide to show how exposed you may be to covid in your job.
Most jobs, it says, expose you to disease only "yearly". What's your job rating? Are you reassured about going to work?

OP posts:
OptimisticSix · 15/05/2020 06:51

Not reassured at all, I work in a call centre and it seems to think Im further away than arms length - erm not in my call centre!

NameChange84 · 15/05/2020 07:02

I’m not saying I want teaching ranked higher than other professions, I’m just saying anecdotally most teachers, from my own experience, are sick quite a bit more that once per year to never so I doubt the accuracy of this.

MinkowskisButterfly · 15/05/2020 07:32

Don't think it is very accurate. My husbands job is listed as being very little contact when in fact due to lack of social distancing measures (they should be there but management won't enforce it) he spends most of his day with people (and lots of them) stood next to him or within a foot or two.

ginsparkles · 15/05/2020 07:52

It gives me 190 for exposure and 98 for closeness however that's lumping all retail in one group. As a jeweller my "closeness" is significantly greater than many other forms of retail so I would suggest it's not accurate in my case.

Butterbeaninjeans · 15/05/2020 07:57

Dental nurse here, pretty much accepted I'll be getting it soon 😱

Barbie222 · 15/05/2020 08:20

Dental procedures are really high risk. I wonder what that's going to mean for dental services over the next year or so.

OP posts:
Butterbeaninjeans · 15/05/2020 08:25

I can't imagine how dental practices will cope. I'm in emergency hub in a hospital service, I don't see out normal service being resumed for a long time to come.

ErrolTheDragon · 15/05/2020 08:49

How can veterinary nurses be so high - you can't catch it from animals

I think this was based on the risk of some sort of infection, not specifically CV19. So, maybe inc zoonoses too? Vet nurses (and vets) are often close to the owners too - owner holds the pet while it's examined usually.

Re dental nurses being at the top of the list - does that include hygienists? Lots of spray, delving into the dirty corners ... I can't think of anything worse.

nellodee · 15/05/2020 08:59

Primary teachers are 32nd - they are very high. This is the top end of the list that search thing is based on. These figures are from the US, done based on interviews. Its not terribly scientific.

I wonder about the secondary teachers. If teaching in the US is really like you see on TV with a teacher at the front and then students on separate desks, then its not really a surprise. I get the impression their High Schools are quite different to our Secondaries. Don't students have to take their own notes and then do a test at the end of the unit? I get the impression that their teachers are under much less pressure to get the kids to achieve certain grades. I know I am up and down the classroom constantly and do very little of my teaching at the front of the class. We tend to spoon feed and cajole our students a huge amount compared to other countries, I think, because all responsibility for their performance has been put on to us.

Find out how hazardous your job will be
SylvanianFrenemies · 15/05/2020 09:05

It's not very accurate. Says speech therapy exposure to disease is close to monthly. Contact at arm's length! Tell that to a SLT doing a swallow assessment, laryngectomy valve change, or voice work!

Madein1995 · 15/05/2020 09:06

I'm 39 (monthly) for exposure and 157 for touch
Thats lumping all probation staff together and I'm not sure I agree
When I'm in group with offenders theres between 6 and 14 of them and 2 facilitators and can be packed to the rafters. Also if I'm supporting someone in completing a piece of work I'll often be stood right next to or in front of them. If it's on a 121 then I'm closer again
I've resigned myself to getting it tbh. I'm young and healthy apart from being overweight. I'm rarely I'll and the stats for my age group are in my favour

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