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They were clapping and booing tonight?

23 replies

Fluffycloudland77 · 30/04/2020 20:47


OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 07/05/2020 20:15

Tonight they rang our doorbell and ran off which set my dh who has quite bad mh problems off. He’d only relaxed a bit after hearing lockdown was extended because he’s shielding & the Chinese company he works for are desperate to get back to work.

He’s still raging now & I have to live with a very angry dh for the rest of the evening.

I spent £130 today on PPE so I can work next week because I’m a key worker.

OP posts:
NoMorePoliticsPlease · 04/05/2020 10:02

people dont generally assault nurses

Well verbal abuse was pretty common in my day sat night in Aand E
I also worked with a nurse who, as she leaned over a trolley to speak to a man, he pulled her down and bit the end of her nose completely off. She was 19

Mlou32 · 04/05/2020 10:00

@derbygerbil talking as a a nurse myself, you'd be surprised. Verbal assaults ie screamed and shouted at, threatened etc is very common and physical assaults aren't as uncommon as you'd think...

Samtsirch · 04/05/2020 09:57


Derbygerbil · 03/05/2020 17:41

people will be back to assaulting nurses & missing appts

Where do you live? “People” don’t generally assault nurses Hmm

Fluffycloudland77 · 03/05/2020 17:02


I get wanting to show support but after all this is over people will be back to assaulting nurses & missing appts.

OP posts:
BatShite · 03/05/2020 17:01

Show your appreciation by sticking to the rules, not by clapping and banging and beeping and being a hypocritical twat.

People round here have seemingly been having clapping parties on thursdays, large groups of people clapping and dancing together in the street Hmm Because I am sure NHS staff really appreciate social distancing being ignored for a party to clap into thin air.

VeganVeal · 03/05/2020 16:43

@Samtsirch Whichever way round, it sounds like a right pantomime to me.

Oh no it doesn't

Fluffycloudland77 · 03/05/2020 15:48

Whoops wrong to.

OP posts:
Fluffycloudland77 · 03/05/2020 15:32

We’ve all got covered doorways, mines brick wall on 3 sides so I could clap through a storm.

If I wanted too.

OP posts:
BubblyBarbara · 03/05/2020 15:17

It was raining here so no one bothered anyway

Drivingdownthe101 · 03/05/2020 14:58

Booing at the clappers for clapping, booing at non clappers for non clapping, clapping the clappers, clapping the booers... the world has gone mad Grin

JarOfFarts · 03/05/2020 13:25

Were they saying "boo"? Or were they saying "boo-urns"?

Simpsons fan here- just thought I'd lower the you were!

SistemaAddict · 30/04/2020 23:28

The happy clappers on my road must be clapped out as they were thankfully silent tonight. Last week they were clapping and banging pots and pans, and the week before that they were clapping and sounding their car horn. Not what I need at 8pm when I've just got ds to settle down in bed. Pisses me right off. I'm a qualified nurse but not working at present and I find the whole thing patronising and embarrassing. Show your appreciation by sticking to the rules, not by clapping and banging and beeping and being a hypocritical twat.

Thefaceofboe · 30/04/2020 21:56

Perhaps some people were booing at the clappers?


Samtsirch · 30/04/2020 21:51

Whichever way round, it sounds like a right pantomime to me.

Samtsirch · 30/04/2020 21:49

Perhaps some people were booing at the clappers?

PoloNeckKnickers · 30/04/2020 21:33
Thefaceofboe · 30/04/2020 21:31

Booing at people not clapping is really pathetic, if that is why.

Fluffycloudland77 · 30/04/2020 21:04

Oh maybe that was it.

They probably went back inside and carried on eating & drinking themselves into bad health.

OP posts:
Drivingdownthe101 · 30/04/2020 21:00

Who was booing?

FTMF30 · 30/04/2020 20:59

Booing at people not clapping?


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Figgygal · 30/04/2020 20:48

Who was booing where?

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