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Do think businesses re-opening is a coincidence?

26 replies

Bramblebear92 · 28/04/2020 21:36

Or they've received some kind of directive from govt? I get that a lot of these businesses maybe didn't need to close, but I've noticed over the past few days a big difference. We've obviously had the news of chains like McDonald's and Greg's possibly re-opening soon, but others seem to be too.

I walked into town today to collect a prescription and noticed people with take-away coffees, Joe Juice (or whatever it's called) had re-opened and the luxury chocolate and ice cream parlour with a line of people outside (bad weather for it though! )

I have to say it did make me feel a bit brighter. I'm in favour of extending the lockdown if it means we can avoid having to lockdown every few months, but I do feel like even these small changes like more shops opening makes things feel more bearable, probably because it makes us feel slightly more normal. So I do hope this continues with sensible measures in place.

P. S. Does anyone know why Boots has such extreme social distancing measures. They were only allowing about 3 people in at once 🤔 Just seems odd that you can have 10+ in teeny supermarkets but not somewhere much bigger.

OP posts:
OneMomentInHistory · 29/04/2020 18:20

It's just taken them a while to work out how to open. Plus the numbers seem to show infection rates falling, and people are fed up, so the bad press will be minimal. And I believe the minimum time you can furlough someone for is 21 days, so that fits this timeframe too - get the funding for the 21 days for most of your staff, then start to open up.

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