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I just want to go see my mum and dad

10 replies

Lovingmylife · 28/04/2020 18:46

I won't. But I really miss them. I miss having some personal space. I resent having to near 100% educate my children and work part time whilst my DH just sits in his office and barely engages in what the kids have been doing or need to do. I know he can't take the time 9-5 to do any block of teaching, but he could at least understand what they are working on. My ds is struggling now with lack of school, my DD is copying her older brother with work refusal so lots of tantrums. I just want to go and have a cuppa and a cuddle with my parents. That's all. Just offloading.

OP posts:
RufustheLanglovingreindeer · 05/05/2020 16:52

I agree loving

I miss hugging my dad and I especially miss hugging my eldest

Lovingmylife · 05/05/2020 16:21

I'm sorry @palacegirl77

OP posts:
Karcheer · 30/04/2020 22:13

I miss my parents so much. My husband works in his office, he starts before i wake up, and he finishes has a bath and goes to bed, i literally see about 30mins a day of him. I miss my once a week day with them.

Peanut55 · 30/04/2020 22:06

I am home alone with an 8mo from 7am-8pm every day. DH has to go to work. (business owner, no help from schemes)

My grandfather has just been told he has cancer, it's terminal and 8 weeks would be optimistic.

All I want to do, is be with my family.

2020 can suck it.

palacegirl77 · 30/04/2020 22:00

Would love the luxury of wondering when I might see my mum again or hug her. Have a thought for those of us that dont have parents left, You WILL see them again. Others wont.

Lovingmylife · 30/04/2020 21:46

My dh's great uncle passed away today because of Corona virus. As he has harsly any family and my fil is shielding, there may be no funeral so to speak and have to wait for a celebration of life once people can get together.. it's made it so depressing. We had a TV day today. I worked and didn't bother with the battle to do school work.

OP posts:
stickwoman · 28/04/2020 21:59

Me too. It's what I'm struggling with the most. We used to see my parents every day and my DC miss them so much - they are more like second parents than grandparents. They are on the shielding list so I don't know when we can actually see them again but mentally I'm not sure any of us will be able to cope well if it's too much longer SadI just hate this horrid situation!

sittingonacornflake · 28/04/2020 20:29

Totally agree. Single parent here and I really miss adult company. I used to see my mom every single day and she looked after DS while I worked. They are finding it so hard not seeing each other.

moita · 28/04/2020 20:27

Feel the same OP

BriefDisaster · 28/04/2020 18:59

I know, I feel the exact same although DH does his share of the home schooling but it still sucks and I want to see my parents in person. I'm sick of working and homeschooling at the same bloody time and having no down time at all.

My 3 year old was sobbing saying bye to them on skype tonight. This is just all shit.

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