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Visit to hospital accidentally touched my eyes

96 replies

oldbagface · 24/04/2020 06:38

Please can someone help me. I'm stiff with fear

OP posts:
Mummiepig · 24/04/2020 13:29

Aw try not to worry, an amazon drive sneezed/coughed right at me I was convinced I had caught it, that was 13 days ago so I’m probably fine, it’s done now so just try and forget about it x

Lovely1a2b3c · 24/04/2020 13:18

Poor you OP. That sounds so anxiety-provoking!

I would be panicking too but actually the chance of catching it is still probably quite low; then if you do get it, it may not be extremely severe.

All you can focus on is the fact that it's over with now- you will probably know within 5-10 days whether you are coming down with it or not but you've showered/changed and done all you can now.

Addiction is so complex and some people have been very mean about you smoking. If there is any way that you can cut down or stop then it might massively improve things for you if you do catch it but really the victim blaming on this thread is horrible.

JudyCoolibar · 24/04/2020 12:37

no vit d as agoraphobic

You can order Vitamin D tablets from Amazon or similar.

oldbagface · 24/04/2020 12:31

@AldiAisleOfCrap Thank you. That's helps so I can countdown. I'm bloody scared as hell

OP posts:
SunshineCake · 24/04/2020 11:43

I was just trying to help. Stopping smoking is the best thing the OP could do to help herself, smoking makes anxiety worse.

Anyway, *@oldbagface good luck.

AldiAisleOfCrap · 24/04/2020 11:31

@oldbagface when I was in a situation that put me in confirmed risk of catching Coronavirus what helped me with the crippling anxiety that I had, was the knowledge that the majority of people will show symptoms by day five. It won’t necessarily help you now but if you have no symptoms by day five then you may feel calmer, I did. Then by day 11 , 95% of people will have had symptoms if they caught the virus. The reminder days 11-14 when people are self isolating are to catch the other 5%.
It helped me to have those statistics as as each day passed I didn’t know for certain I hadn’t caught it but I felt safer.

GreyishDays · 24/04/2020 11:23

I think it’s mostly caught by sustained (15 minutes and up) of close contact. That was the last I read anyway.

If you were to get it, you are most likely to get it so mildly that you don’t need hospitalisation.

Lolxx · 24/04/2020 11:19

Why are you freaking out that you “might” have caught the virus from touching your eye but continue to smoke which in the long term will definitely cause illnesses?

I understand you feel anxious about this but you smoke so why are you not anxious about the numerous conditions that could cause?

SmileEachDay · 24/04/2020 10:33

Anxiety is shit but honestly, take some responsibility

This is definitely how mental health works*.

*it’s not

Looneytune253 · 24/04/2020 09:22

Have you had a shielding letter? I'm not sure if there's anything on your list and wondering if your anxiety may be making this worse? I think the chances of you contracting it from touching a (most likely clean) surface then touching your eye (not the most likely way to get in) the chances are very very low. Please try not to worry. There's also a very large chance that if you did get it from that then you would be asymptomatic or only have mild symptoms so calm down a bit

PurpleDaisies · 24/04/2020 09:14

Look at your previous post sunshine. How is that helpful to someone in the middle of an anxiety attack?

Yes, stopping smoking is a good thing. Posting scare stories to someone who is already struggling to keep calm is just cruel.

SunshineCake · 24/04/2020 09:06

No one is being cruel. People are trying to help. Anxiety is shit but honestly, take some responsibility.

SunshineCake · 24/04/2020 09:05

Seriously? You have asthma and COPD and you smoke? My God.

Ok, two doctors have told me I have had moderate covid symptoms. I have asthma. I was confined to bed for two weeks. Ambulanced to hospital. It was shit. I thought I wouldn't see my family again. It was that bad a paramedic car had to come first and I don't smoke. FGS get serious and stop the bloody smoking.

kingkuta · 24/04/2020 09:01

Sorry perniciousdot I thought you were being sarcastic

I just know how quickly anxiety can spiral and dont think this thread will be helping the OP at all

Itsabitmessy · 24/04/2020 09:01

I never did understand the smokers logic.

I don’t think logic comes into addiction otherwise no one would be addicted to anything.

Sunshinegirl82 · 24/04/2020 09:00

OP, I recognise your username. You have started a lot of threads about your worries and it is very clear that your anxiety is very severe at the moment.

I mean this kindly but you really must seek some support for your anxiety. There is support out there and it must be almost impossible for you to function at the moment given how anxious you are feeling.

Your GP surgery is there to help you, please call them and explain how you feel. This too shall pass.

perniciousdot · 24/04/2020 08:58


It's ok. I already acknowledged I'm an arsehole. I don't need you to go on

TheStuffedPenguin · 24/04/2020 08:58

@UnfinishedSymphon well obviously not the right one or needs a bit of extra help .

kingkuta · 24/04/2020 08:55

I'm not a smoker pernicious dot.
I dont understand the logic of increasing someone's anxiety when they are already clearly unwell or of telling them something they are already very aware of just to make yourself feel superior.
The OP has already said she knows she needs to give up smoking but there are always those that love to kick someone when they're down.

UnfinishedSymphon · 24/04/2020 08:54

@TheStuffedPenguin OP states she takes anxiety medication

perniciousdot · 24/04/2020 08:50

People telling the OP smoking is going to kill her when she clearly is currently suffering from severe health anxiety are fucking arseholes with just no understanding or empathy.

Im just an arsehole then.

I never did understand the smokers logic.

gingersausage · 24/04/2020 08:48

@PurpleDaisies I have severe anxiety. I can empathise with that whilst still not having a lot of sympathy for someone who does nothing to mitigate the situations that cause the anxiety in the first place.


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JazzyTheDog · 24/04/2020 08:46

With all those health issues it’s not covid to be worried about, it’s smoking. Confused

opticaldelusion · 24/04/2020 08:45

Anxiety is your problem, not coronavirus. Your seeking reassurance here is just part of the anxiety cycle. TBH, it won't help much. Get treatment for your anxiety and remember that your thoughts are a symptom of your panic disorder and not actually anything you need to take seriously.

kingkuta · 24/04/2020 08:45

Smokers are at a lower risk of contracting the virus and, if they do, of suffering severe symptoms due to the effect of nicotine on ACE receptors. First found in studies in China then replicated in a number of European countries. France are considering using nicotine patches as treatment.

People telling the OP smoking is going to kill her when she clearly is currently suffering from severe health anxiety are fucking arseholes with just no understanding or empathy. How is that helpful? She obviously knows the risks of smoking, everybody does.

OP, it's very unlikely that you will have contracted the virus from this visit. The most important thing to do now is control the anxiety. Have you had treatment before? It doesnt matter that here are only locums at your practice they can prescribe treatment such as beta blockers for you that will help and they can signpost you to telephone therapy that is currently available during the crisis. I've found yoga with Adriene really helpful through this to control anxiety and also breathing exercises and mindfulness.

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