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Possibly stupid question but if we are around the top of the peak now why are the extra field hospitals still being built?

26 replies

Greyrosewall · 19/04/2020 09:00

Just that really. From the news I’m gathering that we are approaching the peak now and critical care beds are not being breached (in my area anyway - South Wales) yet another news article was just saying they are continuing to develop and build this network of field hospitals along the M4 corridor. Surely these will not be required? Whilst I’m comforted by the fact that every person will get a bed if needed where is the balance between providing and wasting huge amounts of money on facilities that will never be required?
Don’t the government departments speak to one another to carefully manage the numbers?

OP posts:
Kerning · 19/04/2020 10:02

Because it is something the government could actually do, unlike providing sufficient PPE and conducting mass testing and contact tracing.

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