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Been for a walk...

109 replies

imamearcat · 18/04/2020 17:21

We've driven to some quiet woods 10 mins away.. which I believe is within the law and guidelines. But I've been berated by family for it!

We saw a couple of families in the distance and that's it.. so I'm not exactly worried about spreading covid19 but I don't know, I feel a bit guilty??

Just wondered what other people were thinking about this kind of thing?

OP posts:
Shitsgettingcrazy · 18/04/2020 20:06

Out of interest, how do these critical family members even know?

Jesus wept. Probably from an entirely normal converstation.

TooTrueToBeGood · 18/04/2020 20:28

Jesus wept. Probably from an entirely normal converstation.

Possibly, or just as possibly because the Op is one of the "I just bought brocolli, lol!" brigade and overshares her entire life on SM.

I'm entitled to ask the question. You're entitled to not agree with me asking the question. I'm entitled to not give a flying fuck what you think as I wasn't speaking to you anyway.

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 20:52

Depends how long you walked for. Needs to have been more than 20 minutes but less than an hour I think.

Shitsgettingcrazy · 18/04/2020 20:52

And I am entitled to think what someone has done today is entirely normal conversations.

I am also entitled to think that people who believe you couldnt possibly have a had a converstation, and must have over shared on social media is acting like a dick.

PurpleDaisies · 18/04/2020 20:56

Needs to have been more than 20 minutes but less than an hour I think.

Based on what? How about stopping making up your own rules for people to follow?

BamboozledandBefuddled · 18/04/2020 20:57

Needs to have been more than 20 minutes but less than an hour I think.

Wrong. There's no time limit.

Greysparkles · 18/04/2020 20:58

Depends how long you walked for. Needs to have been more than 20 minutes but less than an hour I think

Yes because walking that extra minute will KILL SOMEONE.

Why do people spout so much bollocks 😂

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 20:59

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PurpleDaisies · 18/04/2020 21:02

Excuse me? Pointless trolling? What are you talking about?

Walking for less than an hour was mentioned in passing by Michael Gove precisely once. It’s not any official law or guideline.

BamboozledandBefuddled · 18/04/2020 21:03

What Gove thinks comes under the heading of opinion/advice/guidelines. It is not law. We are free to exercise as often and for as long as we wish.

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 21:07

You are correct it is not statutory. It is still the expressed opinion of a member of the government leading the emergency response. There has been no contradictory guidance of greater authority. Therefore it has weight. Break it if you wish, you wont be arrested, but you would be outside of the recommendations of the cabinet minister.

PurpleDaisies · 18/04/2020 21:08

It’s Break it if you wish, you wont be arrested, but you would be outside of the recommendations of the cabinet minister.*

One cabinet minister. Who hasn’t said anything about it since.

How much weight do you seriously think that carries?

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 21:12

There has been nothing contradictory with more weight.

The epidemiological circumstances are the same.

It was not that long ago (it just feels it).

Therefore it has weight.

BamboozledandBefuddled · 18/04/2020 21:13

Cabinet ministers 'recommended' that we didn't worry about Covid 19. Cabinet ministers 'recommended' that we didn't worry about spreading a virus at Cheltenham and Crufts. If a cabinet minister wants me to do what they say, i recommend they do it through legislation.

PurpleDaisies · 18/04/2020 21:13

There has been nothing contradictory with more weight.

Not read the police guidelines then? Don’t you think if there was a time limit it would have been mentioned?

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 21:23


This is becoming slightly tedious.

The police issued guidance on what probably would/wouldn't be a reasonable excuse to leave the home and therefore guide police on using their powers. Did they state a different upper limit or state there was no upper limit?

Gove was asked about appropriate duration of exercise. He was speaking with the authority of someone coordinating the nation's response to the crisis but his answer was not linked to any enforcement action.

It's not "legislation" to stay 2 metres from someone in the street. It's still something you should aim for though.

PurpleDaisies · 18/04/2020 21:24

So why has no other person in authority backed up Gove’s statement then?

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 21:30

Why has nobody over ruled it?

The simple answer is that it's still appropriate guidance that most of the population understand and broadly follow.

If you're special that's fine, be special. But don't kid yourself you are not outside of guidance.

TabbyMumz · 18/04/2020 21:31

"You’re not supposed to drive to your walk"
Yes, you can. If it's not too far. A10 min drive is fine.

Floatyboat · 18/04/2020 21:44

As long as you walk for 20 minutes

stealingchristmascake · 18/04/2020 22:11

PurpleDaisies, so what is the reason? I'm not being obtuse I just genuinely don't understand why I can't go for a drive in my car, if not because of the slight chance I might have an accident or break down. I am just referring to staying in the car by the way, so not spreading any germs to anyone.....

MamaFrey29 · 18/04/2020 22:33

Yes you are. You can drive to exercise!!! As long as the exercise is longer than the drive.


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MamaFrey29 · 18/04/2020 22:34

It's fine to drive!

Been for a walk...
Squiz81 · 18/04/2020 23:00

@sucha you can drive to exercise, this was clarified recently.

EngagedAgain · 18/04/2020 23:13

I would like to go somewhere different to walk, in the car, not too far away, so this is good news, we are allowed. I weren't sure.

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