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Gift for superstar colleague

4 replies

Makeitgoaway · 16/04/2020 17:45

We're mostly WFH. One of my staff, in particular has been a star, working harder than ever and solving all manner of unique problems caused by the current situation.Her DH is in the shielded group so these are particularly difficult times for her but she's soldiered on and made my life a whole lot easier than it might have been.

Obviously, I've told her how much she's appreciated but it's her birthday next week. I was going to see if I can arrange some sort of wine/chocolate/flowers gift but wondering if, in these strange times, having an unnecessary delivery might not be appreciated.

What do you think?

OP posts:
midwesteaster · 16/04/2020 23:57

I would get something she could wipe down or leave by her front door for a while if she wanted to.
So yes to a bottle of wine, no to flowers if you see what I mean.
She may not be doing that but with a shielded dh she may be.
Also does she know how much you value her work?

mummmy2017 · 16/04/2020 23:38

Cake flowers and a bottle of wine would be fine
It shows you care.

Makeitgoaway · 16/04/2020 20:19

It's public sector, that's not within my gift. I'll do everything to support her in her career, I promoted her to the current role but I can't give her extra money or a pay rise outside of the normal process .

We do usually do small birthday gifts for team members.

OP posts:
NuffSaidSam · 16/04/2020 19:50

I wouldn't get a birthday present. I'd reward her excellent work with a work based benefit e.g. bonus/pay rise/promotion/put a word in for her with someone in a position to give her a promotion/any other benefit you can offer her etc.

I think it's best not to mix personal and professional in this way.

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