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AIBU to think people who tested positive should stay indoors?

107 replies

Fuchsake · 16/04/2020 09:22

My neighbour and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus. They’re “self isolating” which basically means sitting out in the back garden all day. The houses are small terraces so the gardens are tiny and theirs borders three others. One neighbour (me) has small DC, the lady out the back is elderly and extremely vulnerable so has been shielding for five weeks, and the neighbour on the other side is recovering from a stroke. Their seating area is against the fence and my DCs sandpit is against the other side of fence so less than 2m away.

Everyone is having to stay in so these selfish twats don’t infect them. My littlest one is screaming to play outdoors and can’t because there are infected people literally on the other side of the fence. AIBU to tell them to stop being so selfish?

OP posts:
Haffiana · 16/04/2020 23:39

Dreadful. Stay indoors - they may catch your unreasonable anxiety.

MigginsMs · 16/04/2020 23:57

NHS guidance on self isolating actually says you can use your garden. Therefore YABVVVVVVU

RedcurrantPuffs · 17/04/2020 00:04

Oh the irony of all the smug people telling you that the virus can't jump over fences and you are a fool for not understanding the science...

The "rules" and the whole point of lockdown is to reduce transmission not stop transmission of the virus. It's low risk that you could catch the virus from them but not no risk.

They are following the guidance though so there is not much you can do other than ask nicely if you could use the garden at different times because you are high risk.

Inkpaperstars · 17/04/2020 01:43

You can fit 20,000 virus particles on a pin head. It is thought you need about 20 to be infected. Those who think fences are a barrier must have some seriously airtight fencing material.

Also, we do not yet know that it is only spread by droplets expelled when coughing or sneezing. There is a strong possibility of spread through breathing and talking, one of many articles out there linked below.

Don't know who should use garden, but I think if I knew I had covid and also that a neighbour was recovering from a stroke, I would try to not sit out there all day.

iLovee · 17/04/2020 02:44

I'm going to go against the grain here OP, I get where you are coming from. I think if I had tested positive I wouldn't use the garden for 7 days because I would not want to risk passing it on.

But, and this is a big but, they are just as entitled to use their garden as you are. If you are uncomfortable with it then you need to stay inside. They are frontline NHS staff and got the virus in the line of duty, you should be the one to sacrifice going outside - not them.

WtfIsThisEven · 17/04/2020 04:50

Oh god, you’re one of those twatty parents, who somehow think pushing a kid out makes you entitled and superior to everyone else. May I suggest r/entitledparents on reddit?

Newsflash: your neighbours have every right to use their garden as much as you. Having kids doesn’t give you more right than them. There is no rule saying they must stay indoors.

Next you’ll be screeching about their open windows killing your baaaaaaaaaaabies. Hysterical.

lifestooshort123 · 17/04/2020 05:56

Just read update that op has lung problems so doesn't want to go out which changes things slightly. YABU to expect the couple next door not to use their garden but, as you are so clearly worried, the children will need to stay indoors for a week - a lot of families are struggling in flats at the moment so it's a small price to pay for your peace of mind and your neighbours' self sacrifice in working for the NHS and catching it in the first place.

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