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To believe some people relish on scaremongering?

42 replies

Shehz21 · 08/04/2020 11:14

I have just received a voicenote(wish i could attach)from a healthcare professional about this Thursday being our peak. 900 deaths a day. One third of them being babies, toddlers and teenagers without underlying health condition. Exercises being banned from next week with army deployed on the street. Banned from going out even for food shop except for 'essentials' and will need a paper stamped to show proof of that. She advises heavily to not go in our gardens,no bbq in our gardens, eat indoors , exercise indoor.

The lady on the vn mentions it is nowhere an exaggeration and that this comes from Public Health England.

AIBU to think this is not true and is some sort of scaremongering?

I have only been out few times since the lockdown either for food shopping or for a walk.
I am abiding by the rules as should everyone.
However I disagree with the scaremongering that some people seem so keen to spread around more than the actual virus.

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Shehz21 · 08/04/2020 11:53

@CollaborativeBee Sorry I only now noticed your post! The lady says she is a healthcare professional. A voicenote is when people register a message verbally through their phone.
Oh I'm hoping I'm not being silly in just being one of those who accuse others of scaremongering without trying to get to the depth of their messages etc.

OP posts:
VettiyaIruken · 08/04/2020 11:56

Well, there's scaremongering and there's scaremongering isn't there? There was a thread on here in January where people were screaming stop scaremongering and 2 months later practically everything being shouted down as scaremongering had happened and mnhq locked the thread as apparently it wasn't "fair" on the grounds that we have the benefit of hindsight.
The other week a poster posted a Stop Scaremongering We WILL NOT Go Into Lockdown.
At about 8ish that very night lockdown was announced.

So yes it's important to not get ridiculous about it but it's equally important to not be dismissive. Truth is none of us knows how this is going to go.

Shehz21 · 08/04/2020 11:59

@Umnoway Haha that made me smile because I remember those messages Grin. My mum was the one who used to send it to me bless her.
Thank you that's reassuring to know.

@QuaffthisKindNepenthe Thank you! Scaremongering was really not my intention.

OP posts:
ArriettyJones · 08/04/2020 12:02

Sounds worse than scaremongering. Sounds like a scam.

How can she possibly know the death tally for tomorrow and the exact demographic proportions that will make it up? How senior would she have to be to even make an educated prediction of the National figures?

Even if she somehow could, why would a very senior HCP share this sensitive and worrying information?

People need to stop taking FB bollocks seriously. Stop reading it. Stop playing it. Definitely never share it.

Better yet, delete FB altogether.

ArriettyJones · 08/04/2020 12:05

The other week a poster posted a Stop Scaremongering We WILL NOT Go Into Lockdown.
At about 8ish that very night lockdown was announced.

Bless. I actually felt for after she stopped being so cocky about it, and TBF she did come back and admit she was very wrong,

Trimalata · 08/04/2020 12:05

It makes me sad that they aren't really making a giant lasagne at Wembley though. Cant be arsed to make my own and could properly wolf one down right now...

Songofsixpence · 08/04/2020 12:07

I had that message a couple of weeks ago via WhatsApp. It was sent a few times over a couple of days

I can’t find it in any of my chats now though so I can’t listen to it again to double check, or check the date but I definitely remember a voice note from a health care professional

Inkpaperstars · 08/04/2020 12:10

There was another post about this earlier, it is some kind of scam, ignore it OP.

Inkpaperstars · 08/04/2020 12:12
Shehz21 · 08/04/2020 12:15

Thank you everyone! I do feel relieved. Apologies if my moment of doubt disturbed anyone's peace of mind.

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EstuaryBird · 08/04/2020 12:25

DH played me that message this morning. He took it very seriously and was quite put out when I laughed and said it’s a load of bollocks.

Had to explain that extreme measures such as requiring official paperwork to go shopping for essentials (and “essentials only”) is far more likely to be announced by Dominic Raab than by some nameless woman who claims to work for SECAM via a voice note.......

He still seems to be half inclined to believe it but he’s a bit gullible when it comes to media generally.

noblegiraffe · 08/04/2020 12:37

When this happens check reliable news sources like the gov or nhs websites, or the BBC (not the Mail).

A ‘nurse’ posted on twitter yesterday how two nurses from the same hospital in Swansea had died and people were sharing and saying how awful while the Swansea hospital was tweeting that it was a total lie, no nurses had died.

Faircastle · 08/04/2020 13:00

Someone forwarded me that voice note via WhatsApp. Before forwarding it to anyone else, I checked online to verify it. Within less than a minute of searching, I could see that South East Coast ambulance service have made a statement on both their Twitter account and their website explaining that the voice note contains false information. If everyone did this before forwarding things, fake news wouldn't be able to spread and a lot of fear and stress could be avoided.

Shehz21 · 08/04/2020 13:08

Oh wow @Faircastle I am googling that right away and sending that piece of information to the person who sent it to me and to our common friends. Some of us(including me)are battling with anxiety already and would love to have the same kind of relief I got from the lovely people on MN! Thanks!

OP posts:
Faircastle · 08/04/2020 15:17

Shehz21 I sympathise - I have an anxiety disorder which was under control before the pandemic but am now struggling to manage it.

The person who sent it to me did delete it from the WhatsApp thread when I sent links to the SECAM statement. However, receiving messages like this all the time is not good for any of us.

nellythenarwhal · 08/04/2020 16:00

Ignore it op

To believe some people relish on scaremongering?
Danceswithwarthogs · 08/04/2020 16:24

I haven’t had that one, but have had something about sipping water every 15mins and the text message one doing the rounds.

Not sure if these are by ppl who are worried but ignorant or attention seeking trolls, but I think people jump on these because they feel like there’s something they’re not telling us, (or we want answers to questions that can’t be answered)

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