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Chris Witty

66 replies

Sosadandempty · 05/04/2020 21:30

Does anyone know if he is okay? There has been no mention of him for a while now.

OP posts:
Ilikefresias · 06/04/2020 17:48

Pleased to see him back! Smile

KeysDontBelongInTheFridge · 06/04/2020 17:49

So happy to hear his voice. He speaks to much sense, in such a calm and concise manner. He is a leg-end!

Oblomov20 · 06/04/2020 17:49

Hooray! He's back.

LouLouLoo · 06/04/2020 17:51

Lovely to see him back. Such a pro!

wishingitwasfriday · 06/04/2020 17:56

They must be so frustrated when the reporters all ask the same question, over and over again. Why do they think that they will suddenly say "yes we are cancelling the restrictions today" when they've told three other reporters that they have not and will not be making any decisions until they have the required data.

Sosadandempty · 06/04/2020 18:01

Yes and all that stuff about whether or not Boris Johnson should be working. Kind of a waste of a question when they could be asking about more pressing issues.

OP posts:
BikeRunSki · 06/04/2020 18:05

I found him one of the more genuine speakers at the press conferences and hope he is recovering

He is clearly a man who knows his science very well. He never struck me as being that comfortable public facing, but I found that rather reassuring. I hope he is honoured at some point.

Bimbleboo · 06/04/2020 18:20

@Sosadandempty I completely agree. It just started to sound petty and repetitive. I felt Whitty coped well with it. It just looked passive aggressive to continually try and push them into a corner where they either admitted he was gravely ill or admitted he’s wasting a hospital bed and not that bad. So many better uses of the time could have been made.

Rosehip10 · 06/04/2020 18:30

@Dickorydockwhatthe I think Chris witty is tough also (in a good way) dealing with disease outbreaks in much poorer countries. On the radio 4 programme there was a doctor from Africa who trained under Chris witty there and he said he was always telling them about the importance of compassion and care, even when patients were dying and/or (in what would to us) be a primitive hospital.

SeasonallySnowyPeasant · 06/04/2020 18:35


WhiteChocTwix · 06/04/2020 19:36

Like everyone else I'm so pleased to see him back and looking well. I hope he knows how well regarded he is by so many. Really does seem like such a lovely man.

Sosadandempty · 06/04/2020 19:44

We should send him links to all the threads worrying about him on here.

OP posts:
Delatron · 06/04/2020 19:45

Someone tweet him with this thread!

He definitely had a fan club.

Delatron · 06/04/2020 19:45


Sosadandempty · 06/04/2020 19:46

Though I am finding it hard to forget the whole herd immunity thing before the government did its U turn (which according to Matt Hancock never happened Hmm) Sad.

OP posts:
WhiteChocTwix · 06/04/2020 19:48

@Sosadandempty that's such a nice idea. I'm not on Twitter myself... but I agree if he ever gets a moment of downtime it might make him smile that he's so well regarded by so many of the public. Would make a nice change from the idiot trolls.

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