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Lots of “needless to say”s but anyone quite like idea of quarantine?

160 replies

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:23

CDC say maximum quarantine period is 14 days.

Me and the children (9 and 7), chilling out an home, pottering, catching up on lots of jobs around the house, some school work, board games, films, yoga at home, runs around the garden and children on trampoline etc

I have lots of lovely food for two weeks

As I say lots of “needless to say”s that I won’t list here.... but really, 2 weeks at home, kind of appealing!

OP posts:
Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:57

Single parent here - probably explains the appeal more to me than others Grin

OP posts:
EssentialHummus · 08/03/2020 17:56

By myself? Sure! With toddler DD and DH? Uh-uh.

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:54

* So why say it? 🤔*

I didn’t, hence not saying it because so many caveats Confused

OP posts:
Littlebelina · 08/03/2020 17:50

No, I've got a 1 year old!

Devlesko · 08/03/2020 17:48

I'm hoping we don't get much choice in the matter, we need to stop carrying on as if nothing is happening.
People are so selfish, maybe this will stop all the entitlement and people will begin to change the way they live and work.

Bearbehind · 08/03/2020 17:41

Needless to say

So why say it? 🤔

Fishcakey · 08/03/2020 17:40

If I thought I'd get paid I would love it! I have lots of books to read, plenty to watch on TV and I'm sure the dogs and I can find some nice isolated fields to walk in. I can definitely live on toast for a fortnight.

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:38


“Needless to say” Confused

OP posts:
Bearbehind · 08/03/2020 17:26


I’m sure those who won’t get paid and are barely managing already are absolutely relishing the thought


formerbabe · 08/03/2020 17:26

I'd love two weeks in isolation...sounds like bliss.

My children however would be climbing the walls

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