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Lots of “needless to say”s but anyone quite like idea of quarantine?

160 replies

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:23

CDC say maximum quarantine period is 14 days.

Me and the children (9 and 7), chilling out an home, pottering, catching up on lots of jobs around the house, some school work, board games, films, yoga at home, runs around the garden and children on trampoline etc

I have lots of lovely food for two weeks

As I say lots of “needless to say”s that I won’t list here.... but really, 2 weeks at home, kind of appealing!

OP posts:
HelpMeDrRanj · 08/03/2020 19:30

2 weeks on my own would be amazing! I'd have lie ins, cook nice food and actually read some of the many books I've been meaning to read (and watch a ton of crappy tv)

But I have 2 DSs (5+2) who have a LOT of energy. 2 weeks locked in a house with children who need a lot of outdoor time and stimulation would not be fun. I'd have to spend the whole 2 weeks in the garden and not with my sofa and hot drinks GrinBrewCake

notchickenagain · 08/03/2020 19:21

If my school closed for a couple of weeks prior to Easter I'd love it, I have a ton of stuff to do in the house that I keep putting off and an enforced quarantine would be perfect.

bjs2310 · 08/03/2020 19:19

I would love, love, love it. We are real homebodies and two weeks at home would be no problem us, we quite like each other. I wouldn't get paid and can't work from home, but we'd manage. Could get the garden ready for Summer, clear the garage, tidy kids rooms and just be together. Fabulous!

EyUpDuck12 · 08/03/2020 19:09

Nope, I'm self work, no pay, no money to pay the bills 🙁

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 19:07

The working from home

Neighbour is very senior IT guy. He mentioned that working from home would be limited in many cases as can’t have sometimes thousands of employees accessing an infrastructure not built for 100% of business to be using

OP posts:
ElizabethMountbatten · 08/03/2020 19:04

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FredMerc · 08/03/2020 18:45

I said that to my husband last night if families have to self isolate there will be a baby boom next year Grin

FthisS · 08/03/2020 18:33

I would love it, but I happily would stay inside alone forever.

Soubriquet · 08/03/2020 18:32


DressingGownofDoom · 08/03/2020 18:31

I'd probably end up pregnant again Blush

Itwasntme1 · 08/03/2020 18:31

I would be expected to work from home, which to be honest I don’t enjoy. My work is stressful and fast paced. It’s really difficult to keep up when everyone isn’t together In the office.

I would love to be stuck in the house of the internet was down😊

dudsville · 08/03/2020 18:25

It would be bliss for us. Even if we were isolated because we got the flu. We aren't high risk. Our home life is cozy. It would be ideal.

Ladyinamask · 08/03/2020 18:21

2 weeks isolation without the husband and 3 children sounds bliss!

2 weeks trapped in house with husband and 3 children. Hell no we could kill each other. My children need constant stimulation they love school. Literally they would be climbing the walls. Holidays are bad enough but you cant take them anywhere near people and that probably even includes the local playground to avoid cross infection. Arrrrrrr no! Im praying the school's dont close.

Youngatheart00 · 08/03/2020 18:14

In an ideal world (which it isn’t) taking away worries re income/job security as well as the wider economy, the thought of 2 weeks hiding away from the world does seem a little appealing.

There is enough food in the cupboard / freezer for a fortnight, even if it would get a little ‘creative’ towards the end. Plenty of books to catch up on, Netflix/iPlayer and naps.

lachy · 08/03/2020 18:12

if I had to self isolate I'd probably have to work from home so I wouldn't be able to do all the jobs I've been putting off.

I'd dearly love to self isolate alone, but if I've got DH & DD at home too, and they couldn't go outside, it would be a matter of hours before the pair of them started climbing the walls.

trappedsincesundaymorn · 08/03/2020 18:11

I'd spend the whole time worrying about how I'm going to pay the bills as I can't work from home and only get SSP (£94) per week. So no I'd hate every second of it.

Northernsoullover · 08/03/2020 18:03

I'm self employed so no, but as my children are teens we could probably manage ok. They don't come out of their rooms at the best of times!
I have plenty of loo roll (I overstock anyway). I must admit that when the first lot of British coming from China were holed up for a fortnight I thought it didn't sound so bad...

BitchHazel · 08/03/2020 18:03

I said the same as you Bring. And I'm in a low-paid job so can't really afford to be off and lose pay.

I know what you mean though, if you ignore all the other practicalities, two weeks off to spend at home with no visitors or disturbances is very appealing!

I'm not sure how DS would cope though, he has lots of energy that wouldn't get burned off if he was cooped up for a fortnight.

MajesticWhine · 08/03/2020 18:03

I wouldn't mind. 9 year old would drive me nuts though - and would end up having far too much screen time. We have exercise equipment at home so we could keep fit. Dogs would be unimpressed.

Porcupineinwaiting · 08/03/2020 18:02

Yes I'd love it although I obviously wish it wasnt for this reason. Told Dh we should stock up at B&Q then we could get on with all the DIY we've been meaning to do.

wishing4sun · 08/03/2020 18:01

The idea of it is lovely but stuck in my house for 2 weeks I'm pretty sure I would be climbing the walls after day 4 .

RaggieDolls · 08/03/2020 18:01

My work are taking the position that I can work from home.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to supervise and entertain 2 DCs (8 and 6) and stay productive in my job.

That said I'd be far better off than millions who won't get paid or have to battle on in because they work in healthcare.


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MargotB7 · 08/03/2020 18:00

Me and teenager would love it, my DH would hate it.

TheSheepofWallSt · 08/03/2020 18:00

Yeah I’ve started to feel a bit like that. Also a lone parent (to a 3 year old).

The next 3 weeks are a hellish rush towards a major project deadline at work, and im knackered already - reckon if I caught something now it might do for me, as I’m feeling pretty low in health.

I could fill two weeks easily - have an IVA to pull the paperwork together for, under the stairs is a disaster zone, bathroom needs decorating, want to start yoga again.... and some quality time with my boy.

All stuff that I haven’t had time to do because of work since Christmas.

I know it’s not okay to say it- but I’d be thrilled.

Soubriquet · 08/03/2020 17:59

I would end up chucking my kids in the garden, bolting the doors and then ending up fetal in the bed crying and sobbing

So no GrinGrinGrin

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