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Lots of “needless to say”s but anyone quite like idea of quarantine?

160 replies

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:23

CDC say maximum quarantine period is 14 days.

Me and the children (9 and 7), chilling out an home, pottering, catching up on lots of jobs around the house, some school work, board games, films, yoga at home, runs around the garden and children on trampoline etc

I have lots of lovely food for two weeks

As I say lots of “needless to say”s that I won’t list here.... but really, 2 weeks at home, kind of appealing!

OP posts:
Seventyone72seventy3 · 08/03/2020 20:22

(Just to clarify we have been out for walks but not to places with people!)

Seventyone72seventy3 · 08/03/2020 20:20

We've already had two weeks of it and it has been fairly relaxing until you remember why you can't go out. Bit bored of it now though and would like a return to normality. Plus the kids' teachers have been sending loads of homework but it needs a lot of explanation and I have discovered that I am not cut out for homeschooling.

tulippa · 08/03/2020 20:20

I was thinking I'd quite enjoy it but then felt bad for feeling that way. Am fairly certain would still get paid but the nature of my job means I can't work from home so I could get on with all the jobs I don't have time for like sorting out the garage and the garden. Kids are old enough to be happy with films and PS4 etc.

If you're in isolation are you allowed to go out for a walk if you can make sure you won't come into contact with anyone?

I think the type of isolation where you can't get food deliveries and there is no-one working in the TV or power stations would get a bit tedious though...

Reginabambina · 08/03/2020 20:15

Eldest child is five so that would be a resounding ‘fuck no!’ from me.

NeurotrashWarrior · 08/03/2020 20:15

However, we've just had chicken pox in da house and I must say the semi self isolation and lack of sleep there sent me nuts.

NeurotrashWarrior · 08/03/2020 20:13

I was just reflecting that IF I caught this thing that sounds like a reet fucker for asthma, at least I'd be forced to rest and not have to grapple with struggling in to work and downplaying how bad it is like I normally do completely ignoring the fact I could end up in hospital

slipperywhensparticus · 08/03/2020 20:13

I was in lockdown with swine flu I ended up hyperventilating when I was finally allowed out this time I have a garden so it wouldn't be too bad

thequeenbeyondthewall · 08/03/2020 20:13

Yes I'd love it. I wfh.

We could nail getting the puppy house trained and have Jama days all week.

AGnu · 08/03/2020 20:10

In theory, yes please! In reality, DH would work from home so I'd spend the entire time trying to keep the DC quiet so they didn't disturb him. I'd love 2 weeks of us both being available to do various jobs around the house!

tempnamechange98765 · 08/03/2020 19:56

No I'd go nuts, I have DC4 years old and DC1 year old plus DH. When it snowed really heavily 2 years ago, we were home for a few days with DC1 who was 2 at the time, quite an easy child, but we definitely had cabin fever by the end of the few days. And we were able to walk to the supermarket, cafe etc as we are in a city location!

okiedokieme · 08/03/2020 19:51


I wouldn't end up pregnant but was thinking along the same lines as to entertainment Grin. Though I think those stuck indoors with their partner could go two ways, extra babies and more divorces!

Stripeyfrog · 08/03/2020 19:48

So if everyone is in quarantine and cant work would we still get gas/electric/wifi/tv etc if all the people that work in power stations etc were also at home.....?

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 08/03/2020 19:47

I would end up chucking my kids in the garden, bolting the doors and then ending up fetal in the bed crying and sobbing

Chuck them out in the garden before you reach the crying and sobbing stage.

Humina · 08/03/2020 19:47

I'd also very much need it to stop fucking raining.

okiedokieme · 08/03/2020 19:46

As long as I can be at my partners house, still get paid and I can go hill walking I'm in.

Humina · 08/03/2020 19:45

I like the idea in principle and then I remember I'd have the kids with me, one of whom could start an argument in an empty room and I think "Christ, no!". DP would also go stir crazy and he'd need somewhere quiet to work, assuming he wasn't ill.

Also my teens are absolutely bone idle and I would really struggle to keep them in a routine, I think. And then I remember we might be poorly on top.

So, realistically, we have plenty of stuff to get on with and I realise our privilege, but I don't think I'd love it after about day 3.

Muchtoomuchtodo · 08/03/2020 19:45

We were just talking about this over dinner. But we had a couple of questions that needed answering before we could agree!

  1. Would we be allowed in the garden (semi detached house in built up area)?

  2. Would we be allowed out for walks / runs if we stayed more than 1m away from anyone else?

    If either of the answers was yes the we’d quite enjoy it (assuming we’d be paid). If no to both it could be quite a challenge.

    As I work clinically in the NHS, I assume I’d be in work as long as I stay well so it’s all a bit pie in the sky anyway!
Napssavelives · 08/03/2020 19:41

I’d quite enjoy if for a few days.. I’d the start to lose my shit (3 kids!)

eMmAsuper8 · 08/03/2020 19:41

I'd absolutely love it if it was me by myself but I'm a nanny and I feel like I'll have to go in unless they or myself get it and being quarantined at work is my idea of hell being quarantined alone at home, not unwell...heaven!!

KisforKoala · 08/03/2020 19:41

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

bitheby · 08/03/2020 19:39

I'm autistic and struggle like mad to keep on top of the housework. The house is an absolute tip. I would love two weeks at home to really make some headway into it. I've had a couple of cleaners but their solution has to been to throw my stuff away and it's been so stressful.

My nearest neighbours are several hundred yards away (rural area) so I could be out and about in the garden with the animals, growing veggies and barely see a soul. Which would be bliss.

I know I could book annual leave and do all this but it doesn't seem to happen as I spend too much of it just trying to recover from the trials of work and life.

MerryDeath · 08/03/2020 19:38

i'd love it. luckily we have plenty of space/outdoor and 'hobbies' that are home based. i don't like leaving even at the best of times!


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FlamingoAndJohn · 08/03/2020 19:37

Me and DH were saying today how we’d really rather like it.
No dc at home though.

ProfessorPootle · 08/03/2020 19:35


ProfessorPootle · 08/03/2020 19:34

Wouldn’t mind so much with me, dh and dc if none of us are ill and just resting at home, got plenty to do here. Dog would be totally fed up with no walks (high energy breed).

This would only be if business kept going in our absence with enough staff able to still be there running things. In reality can see it going to the wall with the loss of 120 jobs (and most likely our house). Plus MIL is visiting with no sign of heading off anytime soon despite no coronavirus in her home country and things hitting up here Confused

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