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Lots of “needless to say”s but anyone quite like idea of quarantine?

160 replies

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:23

CDC say maximum quarantine period is 14 days.

Me and the children (9 and 7), chilling out an home, pottering, catching up on lots of jobs around the house, some school work, board games, films, yoga at home, runs around the garden and children on trampoline etc

I have lots of lovely food for two weeks

As I say lots of “needless to say”s that I won’t list here.... but really, 2 weeks at home, kind of appealing!

OP posts:
Seventyone72seventy3 · 09/03/2020 07:31

Sorry - paragraphs got lost!

My younger children are at primary school and we have been trying to do homework but everyone is restless and finding it a bit hard to concentrate. Plus, the homework that has been sent seems very random. My older child is at senior school and he has had a few video lessons broadcast by his teachers.

Seventyone72seventy3 · 09/03/2020 07:29

@bbcessex I am in Northern Italy. I am just outside the new lockdown area (although still in an at risk zone) so we are not actually stopped from leaving iyswim. I have been off work and the kids have been off school for two weeks. We live in a flat so we have been going out to the park or for walks but trying to keep our distance from everyone too! Apart from that I have been to the supermarket but as little as possible. All leisure activities, cinemas, museums etc are now closed and most people seem to be avoiding bars and crowds. (Although weirdly the bar at the supermarket seems to be full of elderly customers!) I haven't been in to the centre of town for a while as I have had to look after the kids but my DH has had to go to work and he says it is very quiet. I am meant to be restarting work from home this week (I am a teacher) but this will be done by videoconferencing. I know we are not even in the worst area but psychologically being cut off from people is quite hard. I have let the kids have a playdate (one child at a time) with neighbours' children as I think the changes of contagion are low. I might have to reevaluate that with the number of cases rising. Some parents have been keeping their children in entirely which I really don't want to do (and so far this hasn't been suggested by the authorities).

RiddleyW · 09/03/2020 06:18

I’d feel reasonably lucky that we have a biggish house (although really small garden) and lots of stuff in it. I think I could genuinely count on one hand the number of times DS has gone a whole day without going out (he’s 5) so that would be weird. I was thinking I guess we’d have to split the day up and be quite disciplined.

I do hope there is some general advice that those who can work from home do so. I hate my commute at the best of times. If DS’ school closes I’d have to work from home anyway I suppose.

NeurotrashWarrior · 09/03/2020 06:02


Might frame my dream though.

NeurotrashWarrior · 09/03/2020 06:01

Just framed of the possibility of cracking in with the garden and maybe getting some physio stuff nailed.

Then remembered I'd probably have to take in some extra kids.

TheoriginalLEM · 08/03/2020 23:29

If the incubation period is two weeks then surely if EVERYBODY, and by that I mean everyone in the whole world was to self isolate for two weeks this thing would be stopped in its tracks. Obviously that can't happen but I'd be up for it

ByeMF · 08/03/2020 23:24

Me and the kids are fingers crossed that we have to isolate. We are lucky though as we have a lovely cozy home, a garden and are happy just chilling out. If I couldn't get outside it would drive me bonkers so I really feel for anyone in a flat with no outdoor space.
Only downside is the kids not seeing their dad, which would make them all sad.

carlywurly · 08/03/2020 23:04

Dp and I entertained this little thought today. I know I'd be stir crazy after about 2 hours but whatever.

I'd lie in and read in bed with coffee each morning, catch up on my Netflix box sets, have a good clothes clear out, paint the hall, stairs and landing, deep clean the house, sort out the garden and if allowed, go for a walk or jog each evening (we live rurally)

I'd also work my way through the contents of the freezer and booze cabinet.

Perhaps I'd do some work too as I can do the majority of my work from home.

Rockybooboo · 08/03/2020 22:56

Even the thought of it makes me feel depressed. I imagine the suicide rate will increase.

blue25 · 08/03/2020 22:44

I’d love it. Luckily we’d still get paid.

Would sort out the garden, read my huge pile of books, cook, watch films. Two weeks would be enough though.

IHadADreamWhichWasNotAllADream · 08/03/2020 22:42

My commute is a bit of a mare at the moment so working from home would be pretty good - the temptation to ring in with a cough is quite strong. But doing it while simultaneously supervising secondary age DC would break me.

Itwasntme1 · 08/03/2020 22:39

I live in my own. Not so awful😊. As long as the cupboards are stocked and I have good books - bliss.

And we are allowed in our gardens

Rockybooboo · 08/03/2020 22:36

It would be awful for some people living on their own.

Laks0007 · 08/03/2020 20:53


But maybe I should have amended it to quarantine and chill 😂

FrogsFrogs · 08/03/2020 20:48

'Netflix and chill, '

This is young person speak for sex isn't it?

Married 13 years and with 2 kids in the house, that idea hadn't crossed my mind! Good for you Smile

Chickydoo · 08/03/2020 20:47

I would loose 2 weeks pay, self employed.

PilatesPeach · 08/03/2020 20:43

Might one have to quarantine more than once potentially though? Say someone I have contact with was diagnosed, then I'd have to self-isolate. 14 days pass and I'm ok to go out again. Might happen again with another contact. Again, I might do 14 days and no illness develops. Then I might get it and have 14 days at home (or longer) being ill. 14 days in quarantine with no illness is obviously quite different but no, I'd not enjoy it as so much of my life & work is being physical and active.

Laks0007 · 08/03/2020 20:40

Oh yes, sounds good to me. Netflix and chill, sofa cuddles, cook together, bathe together, drink wine, lie in ... providing we aren't isolating because we have the virus 😁

neversleepagain · 08/03/2020 20:38

I work for a Chinese company (online) and deal with a lot Chinese children and families. Some of these children haven't left their homes since January, been outside or even walked up or down a single step for weeks! It must be so difficult keeping children entertained within the confines of small apartments for so long. I would absolutely hate it and so would my children.

ApplesAndCheese · 08/03/2020 20:33

God yes, I'd bloody love it. I am very unhappy in my job at the moment anyway so would love an enforced break. DP is a teacher and his school have already made noises about shutting - every morning he hopes today will be the day [grin}. DS is at 6th form so would just get work sent home to do online.

I'd work from home a bit, knit, read, watch netflix, do loads of yoga. We've got a big garden so could still get plenty of fresh air. We already have a food / soap / loo roll stock from Brexit. Just need to stock up on wine and we'd be sorted. Bring it on!

bbcessex · 08/03/2020 20:32

@Seventyone72seventy3 - whereabouts are you? Can you share more about the rules, etc?

Rockybooboo · 08/03/2020 20:29

No I couldn't stand being cooped up for 2 weeks. It's my idea of hell.


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Dontsayfuckorbugger · 08/03/2020 20:27

Id be fine as long as the wifi keeps working. In fact 2 weeks at home sounds like complete bliss.

FrogsFrogs · 08/03/2020 20:26

In short, I don't fancy it, no. And presumably if you're doing it there's a reason and you/ family could get quite ill.

FrogsFrogs · 08/03/2020 20:25

I'd have to WFH which is ok sometimes but too much and I start to get a bit isolated. It's good for me to get up and out and into work.

The kids wouldn't get much exercise!

On WFH plenty of companies are set up now so WFH is v common with employees in different countries etc especially companies with lots of distance workers etc. My company everyone seems to WFH on a Friday Grin and it doesn't all fall over. So certainly done of us will be working.

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