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Lots of “needless to say”s but anyone quite like idea of quarantine?

160 replies

Bringringbring12 · 08/03/2020 17:23

CDC say maximum quarantine period is 14 days.

Me and the children (9 and 7), chilling out an home, pottering, catching up on lots of jobs around the house, some school work, board games, films, yoga at home, runs around the garden and children on trampoline etc

I have lots of lovely food for two weeks

As I say lots of “needless to say”s that I won’t list here.... but really, 2 weeks at home, kind of appealing!

OP posts:
Monkeybunkey · 09/03/2020 12:54

I'd love a couple of weeks at home. I'd finally get round to the ever-increasing list of DIY jobs that I never seem to have time to do!

ineedaholidaynow · 09/03/2020 12:46

Rocky I don't think this is meant to be a serious thread, so OP is asking if everything else stays the same eg income, health, could you do it?

Rockybooboo · 09/03/2020 12:34

Seventy. I realise people will have to cope but there are people on this thread including the OP who are actually gleeful at the prospect of the country having to self isolate and clearly don't give a shit that it will be harder for people who will struggle.

Guttersnipe · 09/03/2020 12:24

Purely from my own selfish POV, as long as I could get my 2 kids home from university first, I would be quite happy to hibernate for 2 weeks. In fact, even without the uni kids, I would be happy to do so. I have just started a job I am very unsure about, and 2 weeks to really weigh up my options would be great.

OchAyeThaNoo · 09/03/2020 12:18

I woke up with a nasty feeling chest infection. Struggled to get breath and I feel like I've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Aching everywhere. It's not Coronavirus, just a bog standard chest infection with a bit of a cold thrown in but I have self quarantined as if it is. Sent the kids off to school and decided a day all alone with just me, some disgusting lemsips and a bit of zombie fighting on the Xbox is just what I need. I reckon I could manage a couple of weeks in a proper quarantine, even with the kids,

Seventyone72seventy3 · 09/03/2020 12:12

What about people who live in flats with young children

That's most people where I live. You just have to cope.

I guess there's a difference between quarantining if you aren't ill to flatten the peak and self isolating because you actually are ill.
Definitely. I wonder if we are going to look back on these past few weeks and think how lucky we were!

Humina · 09/03/2020 10:57

Surely you can go in your own garden and not speak to any neighbours? Communal gardens, I get would be tricky, but I can't see why you couldn't go in the garden.

I guess there's a difference between quarantining if you aren't ill to flatten the peak and self isolating because you actually are ill. I can't imagine how you could manage the latter. I think most people imagine the first scenario. Home but not ill.

BarbaraofSeville · 09/03/2020 10:54

Nevermind IT systems for people working from home, I wonder if Netflix can cope with the spike in demand from mass self isolation?

Kahlua4me · 09/03/2020 10:52

Maybe it would be a good idea to ask everyone that can to self isolate with their family to do so as that would reduce the risks of it spreading, albeit marginally.

If people that could did so then the transmission of the virus would slow down and nhs have a better chance of managing it.

Personally, we would manage it as dh and I work at home anyway and kids would be fine. They may get bored but I have lots to keep them busy! I am happy to do it if it will help my community...

Rockybooboo · 09/03/2020 10:46

My friend is going through Chemo and is on her own enough as it iis without having to self isolate. What about people who live in flats with young children. This thread show's what a selfish society we've become. You can self isolate whenever you want but it's awful that you're happy for others to suffer.

ineedaholidaynow · 09/03/2020 09:12

Why don’t you go out then @DDIJ ?

DDIJ · 09/03/2020 09:09

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Bringringbring12 · 09/03/2020 08:31


Imagine if you didn’t stay in all the time though. If you worked and did school runs and basically had a busy full life outside of the home.

Having two weeks hibernating - well, that’s appealing!

OP posts:
LefttoherownDevizes · 09/03/2020 08:27

And silly question but does it mean literally not leaving the house for anything or could we go for a walk in the woods down the road ? If the former even I chief procrastinator would struggle, if the latter I’d be fine

LefttoherownDevizes · 09/03/2020 08:26

Just seen the size of my laundry pile. Not sure two weeks would be enough to get through it

Ozgirl75 · 09/03/2020 08:22

We’d cope although working would be a bit tricky. I guess we’d get up, do some school work, music practice, some lunch etc and then i reckon after a couple of days I’d take them out anyway and find a deserted beach to run along or some bush walking to do - we’re in Australia so there’s plenty of space! Obviously I wouldn’t if we were ill but if it was just a “schools are closed” situation then I would.

ineedaholidaynow · 09/03/2020 08:17

DDIJ why do you stay in now? Don’t you have DC?

DDIJ · 09/03/2020 08:05

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SweetMarmalade · 09/03/2020 08:00

Ds would LOVE it, well he was loving the thought of it until I said I’d be home educating him! (Yeah, me HE! that’s a joke too).

My employer probably won’t pay us to sit at home so no, I really hope this doesn’t happen any time soon!

Verily1 · 09/03/2020 07:59

You obviously haven’t read the actual rules on quarantine/ self isolation.

There’s no going to the garden/ dog walking.

You have to make sure you don’t have contact with pets/ your pets don’t have contact with other animals.

The isolated person is supposed to use a separate bathroom and towels and bedsheets from anyone else and if you don’t have 2 then you need to completely clean the bathroom/ toilet after every use.

No eating meals together either- the isolated person must stay in their room and have food taken to them and left.

No cutlery sharing.

It will be very difficult to manage.

HunterHearstHelmsley · 09/03/2020 07:52

I work from home anyway. I'd be a bit miffed if the organisation gave those that couldn't work from home paid time off. I'd probably phone in sick Grin

Frouby · 09/03/2020 07:50

I'd quite like the schools to be closed from the end of this week until after Easter. Not quarantined, we wouldn't do much and avoid busy parks and pools and soft plays etc.

But would like to have an extra 6 weeks holiday with the dcs. Just because I could potter in the allotment with ds, do lots with the ponies and long dog walks without watching the clock for school run oclock.


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unluckyagain · 09/03/2020 07:47

Presumably you don't need to earn a living. Plenty of people are dreading this for that reason.

CrowleysBentley · 09/03/2020 07:46

I seem to be well enough to be able to go anywhere around once a fortnight lately, believe me, it gets old really fast!

I'm sure that I read somewhere yesterday that the incubation period could be up to 28 days. Can't remember where though.

Seventyone72seventy3 · 09/03/2020 07:34

Ironically, my kids were already off sick the week before this started so actually we are just starting our fourth week of being at home. DS said to me the other day "Do you remember when we used to go to school?" Sad

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