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has anyone conceived on day 9?

5 replies

goldieandthreebears · 05/11/2009 09:52

I have a 28-29 day cycle and I know I ovulate around day 14 (although I conceived DS on day 12).

DH is away around day 14 so BD not possible and running out of time (39 in 3 months).

Just wondering whether anyone has conceived on day 9 with a 28 day cycle?

OP posts:
goldieandthreebears · 05/11/2009 18:24

Thanks for all the replies. Guess it's next month then

OP posts:
Cluckyagain · 05/11/2009 16:14

....but if I was a 28 day girl....unlikely.

Crazycatlady · 05/11/2009 16:06

I conceived DD after we DTD on day 8 of a 27/28 day cycle and then not again until day 20/21ish as I was away. Wasn't planning a baby, couldn't believe it!

Cluckyagain · 05/11/2009 16:04

I have concieved on day 14, 8 and 23 - Yes, I know I'm seriously sad for knowing this!!! My cycles though used to massively vary and I noted when I was ovulating and timed it carefully - it worked!

givecarrotsachance · 05/11/2009 16:00

There is a chance that it will stay around long enough - just - right on the edge though. Dunno if pre-seed would help to keep them alive for that long?

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