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Mirena coil need help

5 replies

boowhoo · 05/08/2009 14:49

hiya i have the Mirena coil i have had it fitted since last april but as of last oct i ant been able to feel the strings or any think been told thats fine any one else had the same should i asked to have it cheacked as been told to wait till oct?

OP posts:
AstronomyDomine · 05/08/2009 14:52

I have the coil but not the mirena type (second one, first one 3 years, this one 2) and only felt for the strings during the first couple of months with the first one!! Never bothered since but everything was fine in my checkup.

purepurple · 05/08/2009 14:54

I had mine done last march and i can't feel the strings either.
I know it is still there (where else could it be?)
I am not that worried.

boowhoo · 06/08/2009 12:12

yeah thankz silly question does it hurt once its been taken out? just wondering?

OP posts:
AstronomyDomine · 06/08/2009 15:01

No not really, more discomfort than pain just the same period-type cramps (although that could have been having a new one put in too)

boowhoo · 06/08/2009 17:28

yeah may be i wont be havin one put bk in though think i mite have have baby no. 2 1st but got a couple of years to think about tht lol

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