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How to find egg donors

4 replies

emmaboo73 · 31/07/2009 14:56

We went on the waiting list in 2007 for IVF initially because my husband's sperm count was low. Having been referred to St Marys in Manchester the tests showed that my AMH levels were so low that egg donation was the only answer.
As this is on the NHS the clinic cannot help with egg donation so its up to us to find one.
This is day one - need to go for counselling yet, but wondered if anyone has any tips for searching for one. Seen matching sites such as and but not sure of the ethics and if these are allowed.
I'm 36, husband is 50 and both of white origin.

OP posts:
jus246 · 10/08/2009 17:01

Oh great! Though i may have found somewhere! Do you know if u can find someone who will except u as their doner it matters how old you are? I have been told i am ideal for egg doner as i already have children so my eggs are proven (strange way of putting it) but it is just my age that clinics wont ok.

emmaboo73 · 10/08/2009 15:16

St Marys don't operate egg share as its NHS

OP posts:
jus246 · 08/08/2009 22:04

I just found a message on here that st marys cut off age is 40,do u know if thats true??

jus246 · 06/08/2009 19:02

Do you know what the cut off age is at St Marys? I am looking to be a doner or egg share in exchange for reduced IVF. My local clinic cut off age is 35 and im 37.

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