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TTC in this heat....

5 replies

cyanarasamba · 29/06/2009 22:57

DH is rarely in the mood when it's this hot, he prefers lying still not touching me and drinking iced water to cool down before sleeping. Thursday is CD14 for me and I'm getting a bit antsy....

Can't help wishing for dark nights and snuggling up together under the duvet! Ah well.

Is this just me then?

OP posts:
cyanarasamba · 30/06/2009 09:26

at HeadFairy!

Well DS was awake at 5:30 and went back to sleep at 6:30 - but we didn't . It is The Way Forward, I'm telling you. Am knackered now though....

OP posts:
HeadFairy · 30/06/2009 00:11

I was ttc ds during the summer of '06 when it was scorchio and we thought we were really clever buying a giant floor standing fan for the bedroom to keep us cool at all times including when ttc. No matter what angle we had it directed at us, it had the unfortunate side effect of drying out any natural ahem, lubrication and making bd rather chaffing sore Didn't conceive ds until Christmas that year!

thell · 29/06/2009 23:50

you can always 'accidentally' set the alarm 20-30 mins early,...

cyanarasamba · 29/06/2009 23:04

Yes not sure I can be bothered either! (and that's saying something)

I'm thinking morning quickies might be the way to go.

OP posts:
ClaireDeLoon · 29/06/2009 23:01

Nope, not just you too much like hard work and that isn't DP that's me.

I say 'eeurrghh you're touching me and making me hot' which is very mad and unreasonable of me.

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