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Oh FFS would someone just take me outside and beat this broodiness out of me, I am utterly insane

31 replies

sweetkitty · 24/05/2009 07:04

I mean honestly, DD3 is 10 months old and I have been SO broody from when she was a week old. I could cry knowing that I might never be pregnant again.

I mean I LOATHE being pregnant, I get horrific pelvic pain which means I practically cannot walk which coupled with all the usual pregnancy aches and pains and looking after other DC is no fun at all.

I am constantly knackered, DD3 likes her midnight snacks and has never slept through, and with having 3 under 5 and no family support and a DH who works from 6am to 6pm it's not easy.

PLUS we live in a 2 1/2 bedroom house and need to extend in a few years, would need a huge car and just the cost of children not to mention giving each one quality time etc

Yet still I want another baby piss off hormones I hate you

OP posts:
sweetkitty · 29/05/2009 21:07

So update DH has said we should "have a talk" this weekend. I said if we do go for 4 I want it to be sooner rather than later as a) I want to get the nappy/no sleep stage all over and done with and b) I don't want to have 3 close together then a big gap to no 4 and c) I'm not getting any younger 34 this year and feel the older I am the more toll it will take on my body.

He did say that maybe it would be ncie to have no 4 as we would know that would be IT, no more I said I would be getting my tubes tied he said he would consider getting his done as it was an easier op for him this me as he has also said there is no way he would get a vasectomy.

OP posts:
Poledra · 30/05/2009 14:24
sweetkitty · 30/05/2009 14:48

IF I do have a DC4 I am definitely getting everything tied up, shut down, taken out

OP posts:
mrsdisorganised · 01/06/2009 10:14

Of course you will

GothMummy · 02/06/2009 23:22

I was fine about not having any more children (hated pregnancy, traumatised by birth) but accidently got pregnant at the beginning of this year then miscarried around 5 weeks. And since then have been all sad and broody and feeling like I have lost something
DH says maybe when the house is finished, that will be never then.

Northernlurker · 02/06/2009 23:28

Swettkitty - sounds like you and dh have a bit of a plan there! Definately take him up on his offer btw - if you do 4 pregnancies and birth and breastfeeding etc etc - he can muster the courage for a tiny op and a bit of bruising!

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