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Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Tests

6 replies

Frosch · 15/03/2009 11:38


I stockpiled on these and have a few left over, two sealed double packs and half an opened double pack, so five tests in total. They are all individually sealed. They are those "test four days earlier than usual" ones, the only problem being that the instructions are in German; it's pretty simple though, "Schwanger" is pregnant, "Nicht Schwanger" is not pregnant.

I don't want to chuck 'em, so if anyone is interested in taking them off my hands (free to a good home!), please contact me with a name and address and I'll pop them in the post, first come, first served!

OP posts:
Frosch · 15/03/2009 12:00

I only joined mumsnet this morning and was busy filling in the CAT thingy after I posted. It says that "the team will forward my email address on" but I dunno how long that will take...

OP posts:
bamboostalks · 15/03/2009 11:45

Thanks so much. How can I contact you?

Frosch · 15/03/2009 11:42

We have a winner!

OP posts:
bamboostalks · 15/03/2009 11:42

I see not, duh, am I able to email you?

bamboostalks · 15/03/2009 11:41

Are you able to receive cat?

bamboostalks · 15/03/2009 11:40

I would love them and will happily send postage.

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