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For all those TTC for what seems like an eternity- I hope I can give you some hope!

5 replies

ilikeyoursleeves · 26/11/2008 12:08

This seems so surreal to type this but I have just done a HPT and it's a BFP!

That probably doesn't seem odd in itself but it's an absolute miracle for us. We TTC for 5 years, had loads of investigations (diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'), had 2 IUI's (BFN) then told that DH's sperm wasn't really all that good after all, so were referred for IVF (ICSI) which resulted in our beautiful DS who has just turned one.

We are lucky to have 7 frozen embryos from our IVF cycle so agreed that we would try a FET cycle in Feb 2009 to try for a sibling. In the meantime however we have been 'TTC' each month on the off chance that a miracle might occur. Being 'infertile' coupled with me still breastfeeding 2x day didn't seem to be the best start to getting PG! However, today I am CD 35 and did a HPT after feeling a little icky and it's a BFP!!!!

I was sure we hadn't even done it at the right times this month! So it just goes to show that there is always hope. I just wanted to post this to try to give some hope those of you who are going through the horrible TTC rollercoaster month after month, I know how crappy it can be. I always thought those 'natural' pregnancies after IVF were made up but now I don't think they are!

Best wishes and good luck for all those TTC, I hope your dreams come true.


OP posts:
TTC05 · 06/12/2008 09:35

Congrats! I've heard its very common to fall PG naturally after a healthy pregnancy. Just getting that first one thats so heartbreaking!! Have a H&H 9mo

pinkmook · 26/11/2008 18:06

ilikeyoursleeves...I am SO happy for you I can honestly say that!

Thank you so much for posting it really does lift the spirits

Deeja · 26/11/2008 18:02

That's lovely. Congratualtions!!!!!

MrsHappy · 26/11/2008 12:16

Congratulations. And thanks for sharing - hope is always welcome here .

Caitni · 26/11/2008 12:12

congratulations ilikeyoursleeves .

You must be so delighted! And thanks for sharing your story - it gives hope to the rest of us .

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