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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


How long did it take you to concieve #1 and what do you think clinched the deal!?

15 replies

Thandeka · 05/11/2008 10:18

I am fascinated reading these threads about women who were TTC for ages then one month did one thing different, accupuncture, vitamins etc. and something worked as they fell.

I'm in my third month of TTC #1 (though technically 1st month as 1st month wasn't really planned at all then me an DH decided to go for it only to be banned last month from TTC by an unexplained pain!). I just want everything now!

OP posts:
ive1done1a1baby · 03/08/2018 12:28

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ive1done1a1baby · 03/08/2018 12:21

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beanieb · 11/11/2008 08:40

Notquitegrownup - were you ovulating while still on your period? Day four is very early!

Hulababy · 11/11/2008 06:51

15m, early mc, another 14/15 months. I did nothing different in the month I finally concieved DD.

Been TTc for nearly 4.5 y for #2. Am now taking Clomid and had two ops. Still nothing.

Chrysanthamum · 10/11/2008 23:55

Our 1st was a big surprise, conceived on day 8. I had another surprise a few years later which sadly, we lost. I waited 2 cycles and for the 1st time ever, we started trying. I'd always thought it'd be romantic to ttc and also that it'd be quick for us. It took 6 months and I was getting so fed up. I used the monitor sticks to find no sign of ovulation midcycle, which pissed me off, I started to check earlier and true enough I ovulate earlier than most. Anyway we started aiming earlier and it worked. Our baby is now 10 months and I'm broody again, we're not trying, as practically it would be difficult but we took a risk which I think was about day 7 and I'm privately hoping to be pregnant again. I know I'll be so disappointed if I'm not, tho its unlikely . If you haven't pinpointed your fertile days - do it. The other tip I read when trawling websites on conception is to give up all types of semi-skimmed and low fat dairy products and change to full fat. I remember tucking into tubs of full fat icecream in the evening and I'm convinced it helped! I enjoyed it too and if i gained a pound or 2, I lost it eventually. Good luck! also lying flat or with legs up on wall after allegedly does the trick

FlirtyThirty · 06/11/2008 16:37

Preseed. I think it made a difference to me.

gothicmama · 05/11/2008 15:38

6 years - think it was paying to see consultant re IVF or slight diet change (change of vits to ones that did not include vit a and dh eating pumpkin and sunflower seeds)

spats · 05/11/2008 15:30

this monmth i used grapefuit juice and evening primrose oil and opk bd everyday except one from cd12 until cd22. fingers crossed for this month, although have a slight worry about having a short lp but will find pu this month if AF arrives on the weekend xx

fymandbean · 05/11/2008 13:14

relaxation tape
regular sex - all the way through the month It's recommended 15 times a month if you can manage it
Vitamins for him (Vit C, Ginseng, Mens Multi vit and Omega 3 OR the Zita west vitamins)

Maveta · 05/11/2008 13:10

Maybe you need to try relaxing?

Thandeka · 05/11/2008 13:08

This month I am trying robitussin, EPO, Pre-seed, loads of water for ewcm, accupunture, massage, No booze or caffiene, agnus castus (to try and get my ov day to day 14 instead of 19-20), also temping, mucus checking and using persona. Blimey I am just as mad!

Fingers are firmly crossed!

OP posts:
chequersandchess · 05/11/2008 10:27

Thandeka try pre-seed if you don't have much EWCM, I definitely think it helped.

chequersandchess · 05/11/2008 10:26

5 months off actualy trying (a couple of months of no contaception but hardly any sex before that though).

I don't do things by halves, so tried a variety of things and the month I got a BFP was the first time using acupuncture, pre-seed, grapefruit juice and EPO).

(Was also using CB fertility monitor and B6 I think it was).

I sound quite mad now

Thandeka · 05/11/2008 10:25

See that is what worries me, as I have a worrying feeling for a lot of women it turns out to be finally understanding their cycles-but I know my cycle really well as have been using FAM for last three years. Ovulation can be a bit irregular (average day 19) but I know I caught it when we first started TTC (day 15)- but there wasn't much EWCM so this month am focusing on increasing that!

OP posts:
Notquitegrownup · 05/11/2008 10:21

For me, it was finding my ovulation date - by accident first time, when everything happened quite quickly, then deliberately second time, as it was taking much longer.

Turns out that I ovulate on day 4 of my cycle (GP assured me that all women ovulate on day 14!!) so I had been missing the boat for a while.

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