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Is fertilityfriend VIP membership worth it?

8 replies

Thandeka · 31/10/2008 11:08

Was debating upgrading my fertility friend account to VIP which is about £27ish. Has anyone got this- what do they think of it?

OP posts:
AlexanderPandasmum · 04/11/2008 23:09

I used the VIP membership and didn't regret it - and they have a pregnancy add-on bit that I think you can transfer to should you get lucky!

pinkspook · 01/11/2008 06:39

caitni - yep, overlaying and comparing charts has become somewhat of an area of expertise LOL! Haven'tsleptforayear - have read toni weschler , and about 15 other fertility books. unfortunately not made any difference so far

Thandeka · 31/10/2008 11:53

Sod it- I am going to upgrade because I just input the data for the last 10 cycles (have been using FAM/persona for 3 years now but can be a bit lax about recording) and though I record the persona egg symbol as Peak on fertility monitor it says I need to have the VIP thingy to track my luteal phase from the monitor data. This month i am going to track EVRYTHING because I want to see if my cycles relate to other things like tiredness, headaches and tummy probs that I also get! Oh I do love an experiment.

Must stop spending so much money on fertility related crap!

OP posts:
HaventSleptForAYear · 31/10/2008 11:47

If you buy "Taking charge of your fertility" by Toni Weschler I think you can interpret the charts yourself.

I got pregnant straight away after reading that book, turned out I have a long cycle and ovulate late.

Good luck.

Caitni · 31/10/2008 11:45

your post made me laugh pinkspook as I think overlaying my chart counts as a hobby for me these days

pinkspook · 31/10/2008 11:41

oops typos forecasted and you !!

pinkspook · 31/10/2008 11:39

I have it and love it. I am a sad obsessive and love being able to overlay my chart with others in the chart gallery (to see of my chart looks like that of a pregnant one!) it also gives forcasted fertile days which is good if you are new to charting. The circles and message boards are also good if yo have a problem with your chart and need to ask for help.


Caitni · 31/10/2008 11:20

Hi Thandeka

I discovered FF in May and loved its charting course (though I've seen on other posts that your a FAM expert!). When the free trial ran out I didn't think twice about upgrading, as it seems like a v small amount of money compared to the money I fork out on ttc vitamins, accupuncture, books! It's got some good features like the early pregnancy signs indicator. I really like FF in general and would say it's money well spent.

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