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Dp gets sperm test results monday, i'll be amazed if they're normal so any inspirational stories or words of advice?

2 replies

MasterDebater · 26/09/2008 19:56

In all honesty i'll be if his results come back 'normal' ( history of strangulated testicals, only has one left, suffers from random blockages, delayed ejaculation among other things) If the results are poor then what should i say? Anyone had a poor result and got pregnant? Stories of hope or any advice would be appreciated. (And some finger crossing for good results!)

OP posts:
pinkmook · 26/09/2008 21:34

MS love the name LOL. My DH has low sperm count/poor morphology/poor motility. No success yet but am keeping on trying and will hang out here to hear any success stories anyone has

bristols · 26/09/2008 20:00

I know a couple who were in a similar situation and they now have a lovely DS. He was born after IVF but the first attempt was successful. I don't know any more than that but I hope that some inspirational people come along soon.

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