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Secondary infertility - when to stop clomid??

1 reply

Kq24 · 17/04/2024 19:57

Hi there, looking for some advice.
Have PCOs & 3and half year old. Have been on clomid 3 cycles double dose with trigger shots, conceived but unfortunately miscarried @8wks. Back taking meds, about to go into my 3rd cycle.
Should I only take clomid for a total of 6 months? While pregnant had a break of 3 months but worried about continuing on clomid meds for another 4 cycles before moving on to IUI or IVF (if needed).
It just seems like a lot of medication in a short time frame 🤷‍♀️ if it takes me 6 cycles this time round that will mean iv taken the drugs 9mths out of 12. Is that OK to do??

OP posts:
Ks2023 · 19/04/2024 07:51

Hi hun. Secondary infertility here as well. Took clomid last year for 6 months, 2 chemical pregnancies, had little break then 3 month’s injections with trigger, one failed ivf no eggs collected from only 1 follicle after stimming, back on clomid for 2 months with trigger, hycosy, then last letrazolle with trigger and IUI and I’m 6 weeks pregnant today 🙏🏻 don’t loose hope, miracles happen ❤️

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