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Ovulating 2 days before period - can pregnancy occur?

2 replies

Mburdalyssa · 17/04/2024 16:33

Anyone have any experience in this arena? I had two peaks this cycle. The deed was done during both, though the second was 2 days before my period. Since my period started, nothing came of my first peak obviously since I started bleeding/period. But if sex was had on the two days leading up to it (after the second surge) could I still concieve during a period? Would the period, for lack of better words, "cancel" the whole process?? Any personal experience here or knowledge for me?

OP posts:
blackberryhill · 17/04/2024 16:58

LH (the hormone tested using ovulation tests) can fluctuate through your cycle and it isn't unheard of for them to rise just before your period starts, perhaps triggered by the drop in progesterone. Chances are you ovulated at the time of your first peak and the second 'peak' wasn't material. This article explains in more detail.

lh surge before period

LH Surge Before Your Period - Why Does This Happen?

You probably already know that testing for luteinizing hormone (LH) is helpful for predicting your fertile window and ovulation.

sarahc336 · 17/04/2024 17:18

It's normal to get a slight second lh surge just before your period. This can't have been the actual ovulation as you can't have a post ovulation of 2 days, it's not possible, your leutral phase is always a set number of days as the follicle releases progesterone, the length is however individual to each woman, can be 10-14 ish days so the first surge will have been your actual ovulation

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