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what is going on with me?

1 reply

ccl1 · 17/04/2024 11:42

quick backstory - stopped depo april 2023, had first period 16th march 2024 until 25th march 2024. flo app says i am due again 15th april (2 days ago) but ive had nothing yet.

all of last week i had really bad breast pains so i assumed my period was on the way. on sunday night i had headache and cramps, monday morning i had very light pink when i wiped once and all clear after. tuesday (yesterday) i had another pink spot when i wiped once but clear after again. i also had a fever, body aches, felt very fluey so i thought i was getting sick.

today im completely fine, still no sign of AF. i’m starting to think i had a late ovulation over monday/tuesday? can anyone else give some advice?

OP posts:
Mrsttcno1 · 17/04/2024 12:46

Honestly if you only had your first period post-depo last month I’d not be thinking too much into potential late ovulation etc. Your body will just still be settling back into having a cycle again. Both of my friends who had the depo had the same, it was around 18 months before they got a typical regular cycle back x

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