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Huge drop in bbt at night?

3 replies

Sunnybunnyx · 08/05/2023 20:40

Temp had been going up and staying high since ovulation. Were on letrozole. highest its been today is 7dpo . This morning temp was really high but this evening I was showing husband what I've had to do every morning, peeing in cups to test opk and taking temp, just joking around about but nw im freaked out as my temp dropped massively. This morning it was 36. 50 and now its only 35.75. Does it go down in evening? I thought it was higher durng day? And thats why you take after wakening. is it suddenly looking like nothing has fertilised or implanted. :( feeling down as its first time my temp had went up after ovulation

OP posts:
cobalt123 · 08/05/2023 21:03

I wouldn't worry too much about fluctuating temps throughout the day. Mine fluctuates quite a bit during the day. Probably highest in the afternoon after lunch and maybe low in the evening come to think of it. Can be due to so many things, if you've been out in the cool air, maybe your metabolism drops a little in the evening preparing for sleep...

Sunnybunnyx · 08/05/2023 22:24

Thankyou for your reassurance. It's so easy to obsess over these things. I've been trying for a number for years With 2 chemicals in the last 3 so I guess I'm putting alot of pressure on myself. I'll put the thermometer away lol

OP posts:
Optimistic66 · 17/04/2024 19:37

@Sunnybunnyx could have wrote that post myself? How did your cycle/journey go??

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