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Another one of those am I/aren't I threads....

15 replies

newtoallofthis · 15/02/2008 13:48 I am new on Mumsnet and new at all of this so please bear with me!

I have been lurking for a while. My DH and I have been TTC for 4 months. I am on CD 29 of a 30 day cycle.

For the last week I have had a few symptoms - namely really hard, sensitive breasts (unusual for me) and a metallic taste in my mouth. I have also completely gone off tea & coffee. Unable to contain my impatience any more - I tested on Wednesday (CD 27) and got a very faint positive. I tested again yesterday (I am addicted already!!) and got a darker positive, tested again today and got a strong positive. However, straight after I did the test this morning (literally a few minutes) I realised I was bleeding - it is a light milky, brown colour.It is very, very light - only a few drops since then (Sorry if TMI)

I know I am testing early, so am preparing myself that this could be a chemical pregnancy - but then would the HPT results get stronger (As they have been?) Could this be implantation bleeding? What have your experiences been?

As you can see, patience is not my strong point and the idea of waiting to find out is just killing me

OP posts:
jenwa · 15/02/2008 21:12

hi newtoallofthis
We sound simular as I tested early and am on day 29 now and have had 4 tests which had all got darker each time. (Mine are still in bathroom cupboard and dont appear to have changed at all!
I am keeping my fingers crossed that it all sticks for us, it is so scary and all I want is for it to be ok and stay put.

newtoallofthis · 15/02/2008 15:09

thanks everyone - really appreciate it and feeling quite at home :-)

OP posts:
Wilkie · 15/02/2008 15:06


I got brown discharge on day AF was due, then for a week and a half at 6 weeks and then again for 3 days at 8.5 weeks. Cue much worrying and early scans but all good and DS is now 13 months old!

ClairLesley · 15/02/2008 14:43

NEW congratulations on your BFP!!! You lucky lady Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy & birth!!

NatalieJane · 15/02/2008 14:33

Oh oh oh, I have their cord stumps as well

themildmanneredjanitor · 15/02/2008 14:22

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NatalieJane · 15/02/2008 14:06

New, I still have the tests from DS2 (he is 14 months now!), and I think I have DS1's (nearly 6 years!) somewhere, not sure though!

I think the first 12 weeks are quite stressful, but then things settle down, till about a week before labour when you start getting scared! All pretty normal

You will find MN invaluable over the next 20-30 years! I'd get settled in if I were you

neveronamonday · 15/02/2008 13:58

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newtoallofthis · 15/02/2008 13:57

Thanks NatalieJane, yes it is our first - hence the wuestions!

I kept the tests (Does that makes me sound like a weirdo?) and the lines haven't changed too much. I do keep peaking a look to see if I was imagining things. Guess 3 can't be wrong!

If it is this stressful already, I am sure i will be a bundle of nerves by the time we actually have a baby!!

OP posts:
newtoallofthis · 15/02/2008 13:55

Thank you!! So exciting...can see I will become a regular

OP posts:
NatalieJane · 15/02/2008 13:54

I have never had an implantation bleed before, but from what I have read this sounds like it. Obviously, as you will know, no one on here can say for definate either way, so there is an element of waiting and seeing.

TBH, the lines getting darker doesn't mean very much, different tests (even those packed together in multi-packs) do have different sensitivities, and also if you were comparing by putting CD27, 28, and 29 together, it can be wrong. A test reult can get lighter or darker, or even dissapear after the 10 minutes.

Sorry if all of that sounds negative, it isn't, it certainly sounds like everything is OK, and if I were you I'd try not to worry, though easier said than done I know!

Congratulations on the BFP's Is this your first baby?

ladytophamhatt · 15/02/2008 13:52

who needs Gp's and midwives when you've got Mumsnet eh??


ladytophamhatt · 15/02/2008 13:51

I think you are Pg and it was prob an implantation bleed.
very common, I had it with ds2, ds3 and ds4

LadyOfWaffle · 15/02/2008 13:50

Brown blood IME at that sort of time (for me anyway) has been implantation bleeding. Congratulations xxx

themildmanneredjanitor · 15/02/2008 13:49

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