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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.



20 replies

Tottee99 · 20/05/2020 22:31

I’ve just had this show up and I’m shocked! I wasn’t expecting to see anything, I burst out crying! What does everyone think??? I don’t want to get my hopes up too much.. I’m due AF in 2 days.

OP posts:
FourPlasticRings · 25/05/2020 10:53

Sorry to hear that, OP. False positives are vanishingly rare though if you used the test correctly- did you get any wee on windows of the test?

If you used it correctly, I'd say it was a chemical.

Tottee99 · 25/05/2020 00:44

Thank you @Pawsin I am going to order a clear blue ovulation kit for when my af stops, I’m praying that helps us! @2020wish I had a chemical pregnancy in feb, I had lines for a week very faint but 100% there, it’s horrible. I hope we get some luck in June X

OP posts:
2020wish · 24/05/2020 14:25

@Tottee99 sorry to hear that. I myself think I am experiencing a chemical Also :( x

Pawsin · 24/05/2020 13:18

The first test looks a bit flooded to be honest. I would lean towards a faulty test rather than a chemical as, in my own experience, you wouldn't go from a quite clear line to none at all in just one day. I'm so sorry you didn't get your bfp though, I know how tough it is. Even when you tell yourself not to get your hopes up it's so hard not to isn't Thanks

Tottee99 · 24/05/2020 12:44

@2020wish @NoCallerID I’ve started bleeding today, I’ve cried all morning I can’t believe it. Do you think it’s possibly a chemical again? :’( I just don’t understand the line, I was so obvious to see !

OP posts:
2020wish · 23/05/2020 08:16

@Tottee99 are you taking pregnacare pre conception vits ? I know they messed up my cycles and made me late and are known to do that, or you could of ovulated later than I thought. Best get frer x

NoCallerID · 23/05/2020 06:11

@tottee99 can you get a couple of FRERs? Amazon do them for £12ish for 4!

Tottee99 · 23/05/2020 01:07


OP posts:
Tottee99 · 23/05/2020 01:07

Been at work all day, Still no BFP and no period.. I’m officially late!! This is the first time ever I can remember and definitely the first time since TTC! No symptoms still? Guys I really think I’m pregnant this time, but I don’t want to be heartbroken and get my period late

OP posts:
2020wish · 22/05/2020 00:49

When u are early u are best sticking to the same brand when testing. Get another one of the one you tested yesterday with

Tottee99 · 21/05/2020 23:54


OP posts:
Tottee99 · 21/05/2020 23:54

I used a different one this morning which was a 6 day early but cheap one, I thought that would be more sensitive but now I don’t know if I had a faulty test before or if I’m pregnant, it’s so strange to have no af symptoms for me

OP posts:
2020wish · 21/05/2020 23:28

Did u use the same test brand? As different brands have different sensitivities

Tottee99 · 21/05/2020 23:13

I got a BFN this morning:( But I’m due tomorrow and this is the only month I’ve had no AF symptoms what’s so ever, I always always get back ache and stomach cramps maybe 3 days before. Am I wrong to keep believing I could be pregnant?

OP posts:
Tottee99 · 20/05/2020 22:39

Thank you both so much

OP posts:
BabyDust13 · 20/05/2020 22:38


WineLover1234 · 20/05/2020 22:37

What a beautiful looking line! Congratulations lovely 😃 💜

Tottee99 · 20/05/2020 22:37

@fourplasticrings my hearts racing! I hope so much that there’s a line in the morning..

OP posts:
BabyDust13 · 20/05/2020 22:35

Looks good to me 😊

FourPlasticRings · 20/05/2020 22:32

Positive, congratulations!

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